The apartment wasn’t just a wreck, it looked like a whole damn war zone.

I remembered the damage, but there was more of it than before. Furniture had been turned over, drawers ransacked. The entire apartment had been turned upside, as if the Lozanos were looking for something. Anything.

Probably a clue as to where you went.

Worst of all, I’d forgotten about all the blood and glass. There were jagged shards virtually everywhere, the floors and even parts of the walls caked with burgundy droplets that had sprayed from wounded attackers. Silently I cursed Cody for being so deadly with his hands, then laughed at the absurdity of cursing anyone who’d actually saved my life. But the guys were gone now. The only real companionship or compassion in my life, and I’d shoved them away.

Sebastian ran excitedly ahead of me, leaping over debris, skidding into the tiny bedroom he once shared with Evan back when my brother was still here. His rapidly-wagging tail slowed, then eventually stopped when he realized his best friend still hadn’t come home. The entire scene was heartbreaking.


I didn’t know where to begin. The mess was approaching apocalyptic levels of cleanup, and the apartment felt cold and dark. Utterly lonely.

You’re an asshole, Brynne.

I wandered the kitchen for a few minutes, unable to even locate my broom. But not even a broom could help this. I needed an entire crew. I needed… someone.


Gritting my teeth I choked back tears and fought through the regret. I couldn’t throw myself a pity party. Not now. Not when my life was this much of a shambles and there was still so much to be done.

Besides, if I started crying I knew I wouldn’t be able to—

Knock knock.

I whirled in the semi-darkness, heart pounding. As I scrambled around the broken kitchen, searching for a weapon, Sebastian began wagging his tail again.

The bad guys… they’re back.

The thought sent an ice pick straight through my heart. If they were still looking for me, it made perfect sense. They could’ve been watching the apartment the whole time.

Knock knock knock.

Then again, bad guys willing to trash your apartment didn’t generally knock at your door.

“W—Who is—”

The door swung abruptly open, even though I could’ve sworn I locked it. And there was Silas, holding a set of slim brass lock-picks. He entered the foyer as Cody stepped in behind him, followed immediately by Santiago.

“Jesus! Look at this place!”

Silas took a few steps forward, accidentally kicking a piece of broken glass that went skidding across the floor. In the meantime Sebastian ran to Cody and began happily climbing his leg.

“What the hell’d you do?” Santiago asked Cody.

Cody shrugged. “There were four of them.”

“Justfour?” Santiago grunted. “And you made this much of a—”

“Fuck off.”

Silas smirked as they closed the door behind them. I stood in the entrance to the kitchen, as all three of them turned their attention back to me.

“Are you carving a turkey?”

The question made no sense… until I looked down at the giant fucking knife I was holding.

“Something like that, yeah.”