I tossed a piece of hot-buttered popcorn into my mouth and shrugged. “He’s eye-candy at least.”

“That’s the spirit.”

The guys’ schedules, I’d learned, were virtually the same. They woke early, left together, and spent all day at their gym. Silas trained the kickboxers for the most part, specializing in Muay Thai and some Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Cody was all about grappling, plus he was responsible for weights, conditioning, and endurance training. If they were also real-life mercenaries, as Travis said, I certainly couldn’t tell. Then again I wasn’t around them until they got home each evening, at which point I served them a pot-luck dinner from whatever they had lying around the fridge and freezer.

Now however, supplies were getting low. I’d almost convinced them to let me run a few blocks to the nearest grocery store, but even with a hoodie over my head it was simply too much of a risk. Or so they said.

“Here now, quit hogging the blanket.”

After dinner came my favorite part of the day, because the two of them had taken to staying up late and watching movies with me. The first night they’d been total gentlemen, staying on their respective ends of the couch, dropping a few compliments my way. Last night things had gotten closer though. We’d shared snacks in the middle, rather than get our own bowls. There was a lot more flirting and innuendo, with some ‘accidental’ touching thrown in. Skin on skin, beneath the blanket. High school stuff, really.

And now…

Well, now I’d worn my shortest pair of shorts and a crop-top shirt that draped down over both shoulders. Fugitive or not, I was in the mood. All the stress I’d endured had manifested itself into a definite sexual tension I could no longer deny. Mainly because these men whose couch I’d been crashing on were both physically perfect and equally hot, each in his own unique way.

And hey, if one of them wanted to make a move on me, who was I to say no? As far as I was concerned it was all a matter of time.

And of course, of which one of them it would be.

“What’s so hot about Jason Stratham anyway?” asked Cody, as the movie started.

“Three things,” I smiled. “His accent, his accent, and his panty-dropping accent.”

“Shit,” smirked Silas. “I thought you were going to say his accent.”

“That too,” I chuckled. “Also his square, sexy jaw. Mmmm… that stubble! And just a tiny bit of an underbite.Bigturn-on.”

“Is that panty-dropping too?”

I shrugged coyly. “Sure, I guess. But only if you’re wearing panties.”

Sitting cross-legged, I shifted backward a little so that my knees bounced against their bare thighs. Neither of them moved.

“Truth or Dare,” Cody challenged out of the clear blue sky.

I wasn’t aware we were playing a game. I answered anyway.


“Are you wearing panties?”

“Right now?”

“No, three weeks from tomorrow,” he scoffed. “Of course right now.”

Donning my most innocent face, I popped another piece of popcorn. “A lady never tells.”

The movie started, and the three of us left my last statement open-ended. It hung there playfully; a mystery unanswered. In the meantime, in case I needed them, I thought up a few truths and dares of my own.

Cody or Silas?

Inside my head, a tiny, horny voice posed the question. It was good fucking question.

Shit, I don’t know. They’re both so hot….

My eyes shifted left to where Cody’s giant arm disappeared beneath the blanket, his hand now brushing my knee. I could envision that arm sliding around me, pulling me on top of him. Gliding downward over the small of my back, to settle one big hand over the curve of my quivering, rounded ass.

And on my other side, Silas. His dark beard and sleeved out tattoos were a huge turn-on, not to mention that broad, sculpted chest. I kept thinking about our moment together, pressed tightly against one another on that side-street. His body had been so hard, so incredibly sexy pushed up against mine. I could feel every muscle. Every curve…