I scanned the darkness over her shoulder, looking for signs of pursuit. From what I could see we’d gotten away clean. So far, anyway.

“I… I mean, I don’t even know who you—”

“I’m Cody,” I said, extending my hand absurdly. “You’re Brynne. That’s a dog.”

Oddly enough, she reached out and shook it.

“Great,” I chuckled. “Now let’s get the hell out here before things getreallymessy.”



His hair was dirty blond, with matching sexy stubble that covered his masculine jaw all the way down his strong, beautiful neck. But it was his eyes that made me melt, every time he looked over at me. They were this smoldering ice-blue; the color of untouched glaciers. But as crystalline as they were, there was a genuine warmth behind them too.

“You sure you’re okay?”

I nodded from the passenger seat of the minivan. The vehicle seemed oddly incongruent to his giant, manly form. My hero had the biggest hands I’d probably ever seen. His arms were ripped with muscle, his shoulders too. His whole body, in fact, was a case study in the male form.

“Are you cold?” he asked. “Do you want me to turn the heat up, or—”

“I’m fine, thank you.”

In truth I was far from fine. But the guy who’d just literally saved my life was being super sweet to me.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t get to you sooner,” my second hero of the week apologized. “It’s just that—”

“There were four of them?”

His handsome mouth twisted into a sly grin. Humbly, he shrugged.

“You took out all four of them, didn’t you?”

The man who’d identified himself as ‘Cody’ took one hand off the steering wheel just long enough to sweep back a large swath of dirty blond hair. When he looked at me again, he nodded.

“I’d say takendownmore than taken out,” he replied. “But it was enough to get you out of there.”

“And who were they?”

Cody stared back at me with the same look as before, not saying anything. I knew the answer, of course. So did he.

“Did they want what Ithinkthey wanted?” I asked trepidatiously.

My savior paused before answering, as if deciding how much to say. In the end he let out a sigh.

“Probably,” he relented. “Yes.”

I dropped my face into my hands. Sitting between us, nestled between the bucket seats, my brother’s dog nudged me with one paw.

“I have nothing, though,” I cried. “They took Evan already. What more could they possibly want?”

“You came after them,” Cody replied. “You went looking for them, and they’re going to want to know why.”


“And now you’re a loose end,” he finished somberly. “No matter what did or didn’t happen to your brother, that won’t change.”

He turned a few more times, then parked on the side of a nondescript street. I was in a neighborhood I didn’t recognize. One that I’d never dared venture into.