“Go. Next bedroom.”

He was still rock-hard, still totally unsatisfied. I was about to reach for him when he actually stopped me.

“No,” he said firmly. “Take Cody’s room next.”

I got up, and my legs trembled so much I almost fell down. My head was swimming. The insides of my thighs weredripping.

“Wait,” Santiago called out. “Bring me the Sharpie first.”

I managed somehow, walking like a crippled person into the living room. My ass was on absolute fire again. In contrast, my brain was still blissfully flooded with endorphins of rapture. Somehow I found the Sharpie, then thrust it into his hand.

Santiago spun me around again, and I winced in anticipation of a parting spank. Instead however, he crossed out the words SPANK ME and wrote something else on the other side of my ass. I just about broke my neck trying to see what it was.

“Don’t look,” he ordered.

A few seconds later he was capping the Sharpie and tucking it into the waistband of my tiny thong. He looped the string fabric around it a few times to make it snug.

“Nowyou’re ready,” he smirked proudly.

I exited again and followed his instructions, pushing my way into Cody’s bedroom. There I found him totally naked on his bed, leaning against a pillow, slowly stroking himself. He was already hard, no doubt having listened to what just went on in the neighboring bedroom.

“C’mere gorgeous.”

I smiled, trying to ignore the burning heat of my rosy-red ass. As I stepped over the pair of discarded blue boxer-briefs, he pointed to the Sharpie at my hip.

“What’s that about?”

Slowly I turned, showing off my backside. I knew my ass must look bright red by now, all criss-crossed with white handprints.

“Whoa,” he grinned, reading whatever written instructions Santiago must’ve left him. “Okay. Stay right here.”

Cody hopped up and sprinted from the room, then made some noise in the kitchen. He returned with a bowl, then pointed to the bed.

“Lay on your stomach.”

I turned again, tempted to see what the hell Santiago had written. But it was too far in the middle. Too close to the center of my ass for me to read without a mirror.

“Go on,” Cody urged. “It’s alright.”

Still burning with that exquisite pleasure of my glowing backside, I climbed into my lover’s bed. The sheets felt cool and comfortable beneath my bare breasts. I flattened my stomach, and stretched my arms and legs out in a big ‘X’.

Then Cody sat down beside me, and his hand touched my bright red flesh.

“Please,” I breathed. “Easy—”

“Oh, I’ll go easy,” he promised, popping something into his mouth. “Very easy.”

The last words were muffled, and came out strange. A moment later he lowered his lips to my searing hot flesh, and I realized why.


Cody had an ice cube trapped between his teeth. I could feel the cold, slippery surface as he used his open mouth to drag it across the throbbing red skin of my ass. Back and forth he did it, soothing the angry red skin and numbing me once again.

This feels nice…

The first cube melted, leaving a cool puddle on either side of my hips. Cody grabbed a second one from the bowl and went back to work, gliding it along the unsoothed parts of my throbbing backside.

So. Fucking. Nice.