I nodded and smiled around his shaft. I was still blowing him sideways. Still pumping him up and down, and feasting happily on his full, glistening length.

“No problem then.”

His arm went up again, and my body was rocked by a flush of unexpected heat. I saw Santiago’s hand go flat, his palm stretched open. He was still watching me go down on him, still sifting my hair with the opposite hand. But his eyes…

His eyes were glued to my ass.

The anticipation was one thing. The end result was another.


His hand landed so perfectly flush it was like a thunderclap went off in the room. The sound echoed off all four walls.

Holy SHIT!

Smack! Smack!

He sat up, then pulled me from his root. Which was a good thing, because I was gasping hard.


I wasn’t even sure what he meant until he pulled me over, into his lap. I felt utterly manhandled. Totally lifted and repositioned as I was bent over the warm, naked expanse of his two corded thighs.

God, it was so, so fuckinggreat.

“This ass…” he said, smoothing his hand over my bottom. “It wasmadefor this, wasn’t it?”

Before I could answer he brought his hand up and swept it downward, slapping me so hard I actually yelped! Again and again he did it, holding me pinned to his thighs with one hand, alternating slaps against my asscheeks with the other.


At first it hurt like hell, then it stung like crazy. Then, eventually, things just went warm. I kicked my legs in defiance as he continued spanking and slapping my tender ass, whimpering and moaning the whole time. Each clap of his hand made me hotter, hornier. Each time he struck me made me more and more wet, until I was so drenched I couldn’t imagine being any more turned on.

“Look at you,” Santiago said coldly. “Youlikethis.”

He pulled my thong to one side, then slipped two fingers inside me. They were big fingers. Thick, long fingers. But they also went like a knife through hot butter.

Ohhhhh YES!

My beautiful Green Beret boyfriend began fingering me hotly, while continuing to slap and punish my poor bare ass. My skin went from warm to scalding hot… then it actually went numb. I could still hear him making contact. Still hear the sound of my supple flesh contacting his big, calloused palm. But now all I could feel were those fingers inside me. They were churning, twisting, pumping in and out of me. The heat in my belly was rising…

Oh my God, Brynne!

My ass went beyond the numbness now, into something totally different. It felt icy cool. The way it would if I’d been sitting in the snow for hours.

Smack! Smack! Smack!

He continued disciplining me, again and again, according to the clearly-printed instructions on my ass. I was just about wondering if I’d bitten off more than I could chew when something warm and wonderful happened:

I camebuckets.


My whole body shuddered and contracted into his lap, as my well-spanked ass screwed backward against his plunging, twisting hand. Santiago’s thumb brushed my clit as I came all over him, squirting and screaming and clawing at his thighs, all but begging him not to move his hand a single centimeter, because right now it was the most important thing in the universe.

To his credit, he never did.

Finally I went limp, lying there across the lower half of his body. Santiago let me rest a moment, then urged me to my feet.