Page 97 of My Kind of Monster

I look atourbed...

I look atoursheets...

I look atourspace...

And I wonder... is he making the same mistakes I am making? Does he see it as ours as well?

I sigh and turn on my heels to go grab the other suitcase from downstairs. I am practically running back up, excited to open both suitcases like they are Christmas presents. I never thought that simple clothes and tampons could excite a girl quite like this, but I guess having low standards keeps you happy.

I laugh out loud at the crazy shit that goes through my head as I sit on the floor and unzip the big suitcase and marvel at the military-like organization of its contents. Everything perfectly folded and every corner and nook perfectly filled.Wow!I start pulling out each item—long sleeves, sweaters, joggers and leggings, two of each, then one pair of jeans, knitted pullover, and thick waterproof trousers. A pair of pajamas, like I haven't been sleeping almost naked with Niklas every night, slippers I did not ask for and fluffy indoor socks. I also have a pair of good mountain boots that look strangely stylish and I have to admit Connor has some taste.

I didn't ask for specifics, I just gave him general items and sizes and that was it. He did go off script though with the slippers, fluffy socks, and some other items I can see in here, but I have to admit they are good ideas.

Looking in the pockets of the suitcase, I pull out two packs of five cotton panties and the same of thick white socks, along with two sports bras that look like they could potentially fit me. I must admit, giving a man I never met my bra size so they can buy sports bras for me was a bit weird. Funny how that thought crosses my mind just as I rip the clothes off my body and pull on the fluffy socks, a pair of panties, sports bra, joggers and sweatshirt.

“Clothes my size... finally!” I hug myself, ready to jump up in excitement, yet somehow they feel off against my skin. I thought I got used to clothes again, but I guess not. I turn to the smaller suitcase and the thick navy blue puffer jacket looks so inviting. I pull it out and before I can unfold it my mouth falls open and my breath hitches in my throat.

Right there, under this thick jacket, lie two sketchbooks, a set of charcoal, various pencils, a few ink pens, watercolor pencils, a few brushes, and an eraser.

This was not Connor, this was Niklas.

In this moment, this crucial moment, I am fully aware of the weight of my heart in my chest. It is heavy and I am not sure it is weighing me down, holding me still, or grounding me just as my soul demands. He got me drawing supplies... because I mentioned how much I love it, how much I miss it. My head falls in my hands as my elbows rest on my thighs and I try to come to terms with the significance of this gesture.He cares...

The air shifts, suddenly charged with an electrifying energy. I turn and see him standing in the doorway, the look on his face as passive as ever, and I do not wait for him to say anything. I get up, walk to him, and wrap my arms around his body, burying my head in his chest. He stays silent as he wraps his strong arms around me, engulfing me in his warm body and holding me tight and safe there.

I breathe in the smell of musk and cedar that burns like an aura around him, and it finally hits me... he is not my captor, not anymore. I do not think he has been for a while. I just made him to be one in my head. Yes, he does not want to let me go... Yes, he did say that Connor will not interfere. Yet, I am beginning to believe his purpose for wanting to keep me here has nothing to do with my captivity... at least not anymore.

He may be a monster, but a totally different kind from the one I escaped and even from the one he was when he saved me.

Somehow, my heart gets even heavier, and it is not me that is holding it anymore...


“So?” Connor pulls me out of my daze.

“Sorry, what were you saying?” I rip my gaze from the calming, hypnotic, simple image of Suki, curled up in front of the fire, sketching in her new book. She's so content, like she's finally in her element.

“Shit, man... I've never seen you like this. This girl...”

“What were you saying before, Connor?” I don't plan on talking about this, so I push the subject back to whatever the fuck he was saying before.

“What the hell happened to her man? I saw her legs out there... she's full of scars.” He shakes his head, trying to wrap his mind around it all.

I sigh as I carry on chopping vegetables for the salad while he stirs a pot of pasta sauce. “You're a cop... what do you think happened?!” I look him in his black eyes that freak even me out sometimes.

He shakes his head, and I know that look in his eyes. It's the look he gets when he wants to kill, yet knows he can't because of what he is. It's the look of regret towards the chosen career that he loves so much, yet hates in times like this.

“For how long, Nik?” He's seething.

“About six months...”

“Fuck! On my fucking territory, Nik! My fucking domain, and I had no clue?!”

“It's actually my domain. This is why I don't want you to get involved. The motherfucker attacked her, attacked me, he fucking shot me.” I pause as Connor drops the spoon with a thud, startling Suki, and she looks up at us inquisitively. “He already did all this and he's on my motherfucking territory. You know very well that I have every right to kill him.”

“If he fucking attacks you!”

I grin at him and his head pulls back, his eyes grow wide. I could bet money that he can see the demons staring back at him right now.