Page 96 of My Kind of Monster

Chapter 26


We’re both dressed and I am getting strangely attached to his clothes, his hoodies in particular. His smell follows me everywhere. Niklas looks annoyingly handsome in his brown leather boots, blue jeans, and the green checkered fleece he threw on top of a simple white t-shirt. He does not even try…

We are both walking out of the house, towards the plain where Connor’s helicopter landed. Of course Niklas told me I did not have to come, especially since it is cold out and I do not have any bottoms, but I insisted. I have to do something, be useful, after all, the supplies are for me as well.

The helicopter landed a few minutes ago, and the snow is just settling on the ground after being disturbed by the waves the propeller made. I spot Connor as he moves around some boxes in the back of the helicopter, and he stops when he sees us, jumping off and walking our way.

I must admit, the closer he gets the more stunned I am. Connor is quite a man, medium length raven black hair, wavy and wild, a short salt and pepper beard covers his face, and eyes so dark that I cannot figure out if they’re black or just hollow. He looks haunting, absolutely haunting, like he belongs in a James Wan horror movie, not on a damn snowy mountain.

Yet he is a beautiful man, almost as gorgeous as Niklas— almost. As he gets closer, I get a feel of his stature and he is probably only a couple of inches shorter than Niklas, shoulders not as wide under the thick winter jacket, yet he is still a well-built man.

This mountain seems to be good on its men.

“Hi, you must be Suki.” He extends his hand to me and when he smiles, I am done for. Absolutely melted into a puddle, and I know I am grinning like a lunatic. I extend my hand, and when I hear Niklas clearing his throat next to me, I shake myself mentally and learn how to speak again.

“Umm… yes… hi. Yes, Suki. Hi, Connor.” I want to slap myself, but then I will just admit to both these men that I was freaking taken aback by this man’s smile.

I look at Niklas and he is holding back a smile and rolling his eyes at me.

Well… fuck.

“Hey, man. Thanks for doing this. Come on, let me give you a hand.” Niklas walks past us to the helicopter.

At his words, I realize that Connor and I are still holding hands, and I release him awkwardly.

“Sorry…” I mumble.

“Don’t worry, sweetheart. I tend to have that effect on people,” his voice sounds like sin, laced with a subtle southern accent and his eyes along with the slight quirk of his lips have lust painted all over them.

My mouth drops open, my eyebrows shoot up and I cannot hold in the laughter that bursts out of me.

“Cocky, much?”

“Always, sweetheart, always.” That sinful grin falters for just a second before it comes back in full-force and results me into a puddle for the second time in less than a minute. Christ, this man is hot.

I raise an eyebrow and give him the sexiest smile I can muster as I lick the corner of my lips and just like that, it is his turn to laugh.

“Finally, some competition,” he jokes as he comes beside me and with a gentle hand between my shoulder blades, he guides me to the helicopter.

The air around this man is light and I thought I would be tense, yet... I feel good. Another damn reason to like this mountain. Another damn reason to keep me here. I catch Niklas’ scrutinizing gaze on Connor, and I wonder what goes through his head. He does not say anything, he just watches us under his dark blond eyebrows, looking like he is mentally taking notes.

“I put Suki's things in those two suitcases, in the back. The two boxes are the supplies you asked for, and the big one in the back has the parts for the snow mobile.” Connor gestures at the load. “I'll grab the big suitcase then come back for more. Suki, do you want to grab the smaller one?”

I nod as Niklas jumps up in the helicopter, passing the suitcases to us before jumping down and grabbing the biggest box.

“So, how are you feeling?” Connor asks as we walk back to the house. The sun is low in the sky, and we try to move fast so we don't have to rely on flashlights for the next trip.

“Good, I guess. Looking forward to some decent clothes... and jeans.”

He gives me an inquisitive look and I can feel his police instincts jumping into gear, holding themselves back from asking deeper questions. I expect them, obviously, he is the sheriff in town, yet I am not sure how he is going to navigate around Niklas.

We walk into the house and they both insist for me to stay inside as they bring the rest of the stuff in. I reluctantly agree and grab the big suitcase, hauling it up the stairs and into our bedroom.


I stop in the middle of the room, looking at the sun burnishing itself in the evening sky and I wonder... when did I start seeing his bedroom asours...