My eyes finally find his and that image is potentially the best distraction, the best drop back into reality. Lying on his side, propped on his forearm, his strong abs dusted with short hair on full display, his wide shoulders strained by this situation, all bathed in the cool moonlight. He is the most beautiful man I have ever seen, and it is not easy admitting to myself that I wanted him since the first moment I laid eyes on him... Even then, when my feet bled after running through his woods, away from Adrien. Even then, I felt this disturbing attraction between us.
How could I not fight it, though? How could I not fight him? This is not normal! Nothing about this is fucking normal. I am not supposed to be attracted to another man two seconds after I escaped a six-month long capture! If anyone would look down on this, on this bat-shit crazy dynamic between us, they would think I am certifiable.
Yet... it feels so goddamn right; it makes me want to cry.
It is chemistry. There is no other way I can explain the intensity with which this instant attraction ripped through me... pure chemistry. Since the moment his hand touched my skin in those woods.
Apparently, even before that, in the alley where all I saw was a spark in his eyes and the shape of his body beating the shit out of the sleazy man that wanted to shove his cock inside of me.
Niklas touches my bare leg again, slowly brushing over the scar that spirals all around it, from the top of my thigh to about two thirds down my calf. I am watching his hand, but I feel him watching me. As it glides from my knee, up my thigh, I feel my core tightening, but he stops, right below my pussy. The only thing touching it is the heat emanating from his skin and a shiver runs straight to my damn nipples.
The next thing I know, he squeezes my thigh hard and in one swift move he pulls me to him, somehow flipping me on my side, spooning me. One arm slides under my head, the other one around my waist, my back flush to his naked chest, my ass in his lap. I cannot help but be a bit disappointed that he did not go further.
I lie there for a few minutes, watching the stars through the huge windows, moving ever so slightly in the night sky. I appreciate this—the silence. He knows, he acknowledges the pain, yet he knows this is not the time to talk about it. Sometimes he pushes me too hard, yet in the right moments he holds back.
“You're safe...” is the last thing he whispers in my ear before the darkness takes over again.
— ‡ —
Two days have passed since our revelation. Two days, and I am not sure how many before that since he touched me. Properly touched me, and I cannot fucking believe I am angry about this. I thought I was his damn siren! I thought he craved this, this fucking need that haunts us both. The need for lust and chaos!
Yet, he has been calm, so damn calm that it puts me on edge. Even this morning, I planted my ass in his lap just before he woke up. Morning glory poked me, and I pretended to be asleep as I moved ever so slightly, rubbing it between my ass cheeks.
No matter how much I tried to resist, this man is sin embodied and fuck, I miss being a sinner.
And then, the son of a bitch pulled away from me. He did not exactly reject me, no, he just turned on his back and pulled me to him, my head resting on that sweet spot where the shoulder meets the chest. I would not have been that bothered, but I feel like he's been playing with me. Always touching me in a way that feels sexual, yet it never leads to anything, paying me attention just enough to make me feel good, but not enough to make me feel satisfied. He keeps me at this level where I am always goddamn craving him.
I would be lying if I said that what he's doing is bringing this out of me. No, it is simply revealing it.
“Motherfucker!” He changed the rules of the game!
I jump off the sofa and head straight to the front door, walking barefoot through the cold snow, and the sun hits my skin just right as my long strides take me straight to Niklas' workshop. I am halfway there when it dawns on me that maybe he simply lost interest in me, but I am not backing down now.
“You son of a bitch!” I storm through, oblivious to the fact that his first instinct was to grab the biggest chisel he had closest to him and aim it straight at me.
“Jesus Christ, woman! I could have fucking killed you.” He shakes his head and drops it on the table.
“This is why you are fucking keeping me here Niklas? So you can play with me? Play goddamn games because you are bored and you feel the need to be entertained?”
“What the fuck you talking about?” he speaks so calmly, and it takes everything in me not to grab the first thing I see and haul it at his beautiful damn head.
“Don't you dare pretend you do not know what I am talking about. I am not playing your game, Niklas. Stay the fuck away from me!” I turn on my heels, storm out and slam the door behind me.
I’m in the kitchen when I realize what a mistake that was. I stupidly thought that because a few days have passed, he was not a threat anymore. I laugh at myself as my body is lifted off the ground and slammed ass first onto the island countertop.Stupid little girl,I think as he rips every piece of fabric that covers my body, scratching my skin with the harsh, violent movements.
When the last rags fall to the floor, my lungs are charged, my breathing deep and heavy and my pussy hot and tight.
I missed this.
I fucking missed this, the beast in front of me, the violence he brings, the pleasure he gives. I craved it like the most delicious, mind splitting drug. I craved it all.
He is heaving. His shoulders lift every time he takes a breath, he holds me pinned with a ravenous gaze and I feel like I am about to be devoured. Before another thought can cross my mind, he does exactly that. He devours me.
He drops down and I do not get a chance to see if he is kneeling or squatting or what the hell is going on before he digs his fingers into my thighs and pulls them apart so harshly, my whole body jerks forward to the edge of the countertop. My naked feet quickly brace themselves on his shoulders and my body falls back on my elbows.
I’m split open and exposed to him, and as I look down all I can see is pure hunger in his eyes. His gaze lingers over every fold of my pussy, and I involuntarily squeeze its walls, my whole body visibly shivering in response. A moan escapes my throat, and the next second his tongue assaults me.