I am stumbling with every step I take, struggling to run through the thick snow that touches the middle of my naked thighs, and the adrenaline pumping through me is my only layer of protection against the freezing cold. It’s useless, all useless. I cannot see what is under the snow, I cannot see where the next step takes me. I could fall through a hole in the ground, I could step in a bear trap, but it does not matter.
Not now.
I have to push forward, run for my fucking life, because even if I fall to my death in these woods, it will be a whole lot better than what I am running from.
I think I have lost him. I hope I have. I run faster than my own legs can hold me, aiming to go down the mountain, but somehow, I still seem to be going up. I can hear him behind me, hear the screeching sound his boots make on the thick snow, but I don’t dare to turn around to check how close he is. I keep running.
As the woods grow darker with every minute that passes, my nakedness and the high snow are not the only challenges I face anymore. The sun keeps dying down, and I am left with no light source. The moonlight can't penetrate the snow-covered crowns of the old pine trees.
When darkness will take over, there will be nothing left. Only me and my worst fucking nightmare.
Many times lately, I’ve debated how I ended up in this predicament.
Was it my fault?
Did I do this to myself?
All the conclusions that one could reach, I have reached as well, but I have not yet settled on one. Depending on what he does to me, my decision changes and I realize all options might be true.
I was a desperate idiot, and he is a goddamn monster.