Page 12 of My Kind of Monster

His wild and wavy dark blond hair, long enough that it touches the base of his neck, looks like he’s been running his hands through it far too much. Thin crow’s feet around his eyes tell me that he is definitely in his prime, and what is potentially a strong, square jaw hides under a thick, long beard, framing delicious not-too-thin lips.

He does not belong here. I don’t mean on this mountain, but in this world. He looks like a child of the Old Norse gods and he belongs in Asgard.

He is not watching me anymore. He is miles away now, and I don’t exist again.

I finally get up from the floor, holding the blanket tight to my naked, sore body and walk back in front of the fire. Staring at the flames, following their mesmerizing dance, I wonder what it is about a roaring fire. There’s solace, silence, peace, and at the same time, a cruel, painful finality that can consume everything in its path.

I stand there for a few moments, but a soft touch startles me and I jump. I turn to find his back already turned to me as he walks away, and a pillow laid on the sheepskin that covers the floor.

When did he get up from the sofa? When did he leave the room? How long have I been standing here?

I reluctantly lie down, facing the fire, and I fight the sleep that beckons me to follow, because I know lowering my guard around him is a stupid thing to do.

Yet, I have no choice. The dreams swallow me anyway.


Fuck, I’m in a shitty mood. I twisted and turned on the sofa, I was hot most of the night because of the fire, and I took most of my clothes off. Yet, of course, trying to rest on the sofa was still uncomfortable. Not to mention that I couldn't sleep in case the little siren decided to run again.

She didn’t though. She looks like she hasn’t had a decent night's sleep in far too long, because she's completely dead to the world now.

Maybe she hasn't slept properly in days. Or weeks? Or... months?!

She’s lying on her right side facing me, both hands stuck under the pillow, unaware that the fur blanket has moved down her body, just about covering her belly. Her folded arms, unfortunately for her, don’t manage to cover her delicious, full pear-shaped tits.

Fuck, how I want to play with them, knead them in my big hands. Pinch those fucking nipples, bite her porcelain flesh and lick the fucking blood slipping out of it.

In the calm of the morning, she looks ethereal, like prey that doesn't know it's prey just yet. It fuels me with an anticipation that I can't explain, like my soul knows something I don't.

Before I realize what I’m doing, I’m already on my feet, morning wood on full fucking display under the thin cotton of my boxer briefs.

As if she feels the danger coming, the woman wakes up and goes straight into survival mode. Untangling her legs from the blanket, she jumps to her feet, bright green eyes gazing at me in fear before she runs away. The blanket lays crumpled on the floor, and I feel the corner of my mouth twitch.

Since I’m blocking the way to the front door, she runs through the kitchen and goes for the first potential escape. Her instincts are on point as she turns towards the door that leads to the garage, but there is absolutely nowhere for her to hide from me, no matter where she goes.

I wonder what made her run. Was it my attention on her? Was it just my presence? Or was it my hardening dick aimed right at her?

I stalk after her, but I don’t bother to run. My steps are determined, but my stride is calm, every step fueling my muscles with fire, and fuck, how sweetly it burns.

For a split second, I catch my reflection in the kitchen window and there’s a great big fucking smile on my face that I have not seen in a long time, maybe ever.

I don’t know what’s going to happen.

I don’t know what she will do, but one thing is for certain—I am the hunter, she is the prey, and this is not a game with rules priorly planned. This is finally the real fucking deal, and my blood boils with sweet anticipation.


Bursting through the door, I almost stumble down a couple of steps and find myself in a large garage. I frantically look around for a way out, knowing that the beautiful behemoth is right behind me.

I do not know if I have any chance of escape. I am on his territory now, but it does not matter. Fueled with new strength due to his care for me that is so unfamiliar, I know that this time around I will fight until my body fails me. I will run until I can't take it anymore, and I will scream until my lungs heave.

I will not submit, not ever again.

I see a small door on the side of the garage and run as fast as I can, but my efforts hinder when I step on something sharp.

“Shit!” I scream, but I don’t stop to see what it was. I keep going, pushing through the sharp pain in my foot and quickly get to the door.

I burst through it and the cold hits me like a punch in my damn gut. For a moment, because of the cozy fireplace, I forgot that I am butt naked and outside, it is the middle of winter.