“Mhm... when you were working on a case.” I put the piece of bacon in mouth, slowly biting off a chunk as I try to suppress a smile. My eyes betray me though, because Niklas chokes on his food as he tries to suppress his own laughter. Connor shakes his head, but his dark, hollow eyes sparkle with amusement.
“Cheeky woman...” He licks the corner of his mouth, and damn... the man is hot.
Niklas clears his throat, and I realize I have been caught staring, with a piece of bacon held in my hungry mouth. I shift my gaze to him, and I am surprised by the dark look in his eyes. If I did not know any better I would think there is jealousy in there.
I bite another piece of bacon and smile at him while I chew, and he gives me his sexiest goddamn grin behind that gorgeous beard of his. His eyes promising sin while quirking one eyebrow and I feel like I need to leave the room before I soak my damn panties.
“So, what is your plan for the day.” I try to change the subject, even if that smile is still on my face and Connor watches me with amusement.
“We're going to try and fix that snowmobile and we have a couple more jobs. One of them is checking the roof, I have a feeling there's a leak.” Niklas finishes his food and brings the plate to the sink.
“Seems safe... climbing on the roof in the middle of winter.” I shake my head as I go to the sink after him and wash my hands.
“I know, right?!” I hear Connor behind me. “We'll be okay though, sweetcheeks.” At those words, I hear a thump and a loud grunt. When I turn, he is clutching his middle, groaning in pain and laughing at the same time.
“What the hell?” I look at both of them, unable to believe that Niklas actually punched him in the gut.
“My apologies, sweetheart,” Connor finally speaks and Niklas grins, one eyebrow quirked in victory.
What the hell is going on?
“I'm probably going to stay in, but please, let me know if you need me for anything. You know I do not like feeling useless.” I carry on talking, ignoring whatever is happening between the two of them, as amusing as it is.
“Sure, we'll let you know.” Niklas nods as he tops off his and Connor’s coffee cups, before heading into the garage.
“See you later... sweetcheeks.” Connor grins, taking advantage of Niklas almost being out of the room as I roll my eyes at him and start laughing.
I could get used to this, this banter, this comfort. Yet I know I should not. As Connor closes the door to the garage behind him, I grab my coffee and head upstairs to what used to be my room. I need to think, and I realize that the habit that I used to have as a teenager has not left me yet, as I sit on the floor, at the foot of the bed, looking at myself in the full height mirror sitting in front of me.
You know what you need to do, Suki... No matter how hard it will be... No matter if your heart will break... No matter how scary it will be... No matter if your soul comes with you or stays here. You know what you need to do.
Sitting here, on the floor, for more than half an hour, I am devising some sort of plan for my... escape. But even thinking of this word,escape,it goddamn hurts me, because deep down, I know this is not what I need to do. My demons are howling at me, crying and yelling, hurting me from the inside out, but I cannot listen to them.
Not if it means that I will obtain the permanence I am looking for.
I need to know this is not an illusion. I need to regain control. I need to find out what I want and there is no way I can do it here, like this.
“Shit, man... it's lunch time. Should we head in, have something to eat, then carry on?” Connor wipes his damp forehead, leaving a grease stain all over it. We've been disassembling this piece of crap all morning, trying to replace some parts that I was convinced were broken. Some of them were... but not all.
“Fuck me... I knew I should have bought another one before the winter started.” I drop the wrench on the seat of the snowmobile and sigh as I look at the broken-down piece of crap.
“Yeah, man... you have spares for everything, I must admit it kind of surprises me you don't have two of these.” The motherfucker laughs, and I feel a strong need to punch him in the gut again. He's right though... “Don't worry, we'll fix it. We know what the issue is, I reckon by the end of the day, or tomorrow by lunch time at the latest it will be done.”
“Yes, it will. Hopefully tonight, though.” I roll my eyes as I turn to head inside the house, but the door opens before I can grab the handle.
“Hey.” Suki stands there in all her glory, dressed in tight leggings, showing off her curves and a sweatshirt that barely covers her lush hips, with waves of her tamed wavy hair framing her face, and she looks fucking fantastic. Her next words get trapped in her throat, her mouth slightly open, looking like she’s trying to figure me out.
Jesus Christ... I have it painted all over my fucking face, don't I?!
“Hey, Suki.”
“I wanted to ask what you guys want for lunch.”
“How do you feel about some sandwiches? Connor brought some bread yesterday. I froze some of it, but left a few loafs out,” I say as we all start walking back into the house.
“Sure, sounds good to me. I'll make them now.” She goes straight for the fridge, but I catch her soft, small hand and stop her.