“We have to meet Holt anyway. I believe he may have what we’re looking for now and it’s time to pay up on our investment.” Maddox gives us another look, then turns to Vincent.
“Perfect timing. We have to see if he says anything about this.” Vincent points around, stopping at me.
“What if he knows of us? Or what if he has surveillance to see if I was going to return here? It could have all just been a ploy to draw me out… What if he sees you guys leave or…” Fuck! I was expecting some things to go wrong. But this… this was definitely not on that list.
“We’ll keep to the story we told Loreley’s boyfriend. After all, we did not get where we are today without knowing absolutely all that moves around the people we associate with, and your father knows this. I’ll go out the way I came. I’ll talk to you later.” He comes close to me, and I know he can see my apprehension.
I hold his gaze, wishing he would just go, because my mind is a mangled mess and I’m not sure if he’s the right one to trust right now.
“Morrigan, he will pay for this. They willallpay for this. Of that, I can assure you.” With those last words, he twists on his heels and leaves, the others in tow.
“We need a drink.” Lulu takes my hand and pulls me away from the chaos that surrounds us.
I guess we’ll deal with the cleanup later.
“So, why did you say you were so adamant on finding this Boseman character?” Holt asks after we go through brief pleasantries. We met in a parking lot downtown, a random spot that’s actually not random at all. It’s one of our many public spots under surveillance.
“We didn’t.” Finn squashes his curiosity then and there.
“Right.” He warily looks between all of us. “Well, if you’re looking for him, then I’m just glad I didn’t end up getting into business with the man.”
“What did he offer?” I ask.
Holt looks at me for a moment too long. Just when I think he won’t answer, he opens his mouth.
“Too many terms and conditions. We didn’t like either.”
I nod. I would say that it sounds like him, but in truth, I have no goddamn clue what he sounds like now. The man I remember wouldn’t have a leg to stand on in front of the elite of this city. Not to mention me, or The Sanctum. He’s changed, stupid as always, since he’s gone after my family, my Sanctum, and my goddamn fucking territory, but he’s definitely changed. Otherwise, he couldn’t have had business connections with the likes of Holt and O’Rourke.
But his balls are growing bigger than his brain is, our little spies talking of takeover and infiltration into business he has no place in. Buthe wantsa place. So we need to find him and eliminate him before his claws dig too deep and leave a mark.
“Do you have something for us?” Carter asks, ending the pleasantries. I welcome his lack of patience, as we need to move this along.
“The bastard was hard to find.” Holt nods, grabbing an envelope one of his men gives him, then hands it over to me.
I pull it open, inspecting its contents: an address and a name.Jackson Davenport.I raise an eyebrow at Holt.
“That’s the name he’s living under.” He preempts my question.
“Interesting choice.” It’s hard to keep from rolling my eyes. Jackson fucking Davenport?! Good ol’ Lester Boseman chose a pretty fancy name there, and it matches none of the man he actually is.
Carter reads the name and looks at me with a stern expression, on the brink of a scoff, before he slides the envelope in his inner pocket.
“Posh, I know. I guess it bodes well if you want to go into business with the right crowd. Some years ago, my own pops pulled the same stunt. He needed a pseudonym for a certain… shell corporation and gave himself a high society name to fit in with the investors he was chasing.” Holt scoffs as he slides his hands in his pockets. “Turns out that most people don’t give a shit what name you go by.”
His pops…my mind goes into overdrive at the choice of words and story that Holt decided to share. But I keep my face straight, resisting the urge to look at the others. This changes everything, and I can’t wait to find out if the others caught onto it.
“Names don’t cover sins,” I respond, feeling that spark that threatens to reach my eyes. Adrenaline, enthusiasm, I don’t know what it is, but I need to get the hell out of here now. “Pleasure doing business with you.”
“Have a good night.” He nods, his eyes swiping over us all.
We turn on our heels and head to our cars. Madds came in his, Finn and Carter together, and I’m alone in mine, but we’re not going to the same place, and I need to talk to them about this meeting.
Madds is about to go pick up two lovely ladies and bring them to the man waiting patiently in the basement of our safe-house, and we’re all dying to hear what the hell he has to say. Only the ladies have no idea what’s coming, and their reaction will definitely determine if the plan Morrigan and I discussed earlier is still going to happen. As it stands… I doubt it will. The woman seems convinced that I told Holt about her involvement in the club and it fucking hurts. Does she really think that I would double cross her like that? That I would cheat her in this way with the man I’m trying to save her from?