“For fuck’s sake, woman! This is not the time nor the place, and Lulu is not here!!! Get the fuck out now!” I don’t fucking play anymore. Gripping her upper arm, I pull her hard behind me, uncaring of the bruise I might leave on her flesh, of her protests, her screams behind me. I don’t give a shit. I just need her safe!
We reach the foyer, but the smoke is still so damn thick and there’s no one but firemen moving up and down the steps.
“They’re in there.” One of them points toward the service door that leads to the corridor Morrigan took me through before.
She rushes for the door, punching some keys on the number pad, but the electrics must be screwed because nothing happens, and she bangs her fists onto the door, screaming at it like it could magically open.
Only, it does.
One of my men opens it reluctantly, and his shoulders relax when he sees me, nodding as he steps to the side to let us in.
“It’s open.” He points to another door, and I don’t have time to ask him any questions as Morrigan sprints to it and rips it open.
Fucking hell, this woman would just jump headfirst into any fucking situation.
I don’t know what the hell awaits after that door; she has no regard for her damn life. I follow her and end up in a small bar area, catching the moment Morrigan screams for Lulu, who is sitting at one of the tables.
“Are you okay?!” She holds her face in her hands, turning her to every side as she examines her, before padding her hands over her body.
“Morri! I’m okay!” She grabs onto her friend, her boyfriend reluctantly leaning in his chair, far away from them. Only when his eyes land on me, they widen for a moment too long.
Suddenly, Maddox and two of my men walk through the same door we came through and it’s my turn to contain my surprise.
“What happened, Loreley?” I ask, stepping closer as I clasp Morrigan’s shoulder. Only she shrugs it off, throwing me a look that very well spellsfuck off.
“Ryan… We saw his men on the cameras. He watched as they ran out after setting the place on fire, then smiled at the camera.” The disdain in her voice matches exactly what I’m feeling.
“Lulu… I’m so sorry. I’m so fucking sorry… I should have never kept you anywhere near me! This is all my fault. Goddamnit, it’s all my fault!” Morrigan’s voice breaks into painful sobs.
But her friend shakes her head, wrapping her arms around her. I step away, satisfied that I’ve learned enough.
“Why areyouhere, brother?” I whisper as I retreat next to Maddox.
His lips part for a split second, his amber eyes darkening as they flicker toward the women.
“The men called me,” he answers.
Right, and you came for… the men.
I hold his gaze for a moment longer, before returning my attention to the girls.
“I’m sorry. I’ll get out of your hair… you don’t fucking deserve this. I’ll make up for it all, then… I’ll be gone.” Morrigan’s pain roughens her voice. Or are the tears responsible?
“Don’t be fucking stupid,” Loreley rasps, rising to her feet. “You didn’t do this, but that motherfucker that’s forcing you to marry him did. And if you don’t make him pay”—her golden eyes turn to me—“I sure fucking will.”
I have a feeling that if I don’t, she’ll make me pay too. Loreley’s family name carries weight as well. Her father rarely gets involved in shit around here. His business lies elsewhere, his money as well, and usually, if he does poke his nose around Queenscove… that means something is very, very wrong. And Mr Dietrich is one of our prized allies outside of our city.
“No, no, no. This, all of this, is on me! If I didn’t let that asshole control me the way he has, turn into this goddamn monster in front of my eyes, none of this… none of this would have happened! You don’t fucking deserve this, Lulu!” She turns to me, and I’m taken aback the moment her palm whips my head so hard to the side, my neck aches. “And you!” Her fist almost connects with my face next, but I catch it just in time, her other fist hitting my chest. “You fucking promised she was safe!!! You fucking promised me!” Her voice booms through the foyer. Even the firemen that walked upstairs stop dead in their tracks, her tone grave, menacing and maniacal.
“Morri, it’s not his fault.” Loreley grips her shoulder to no avail.
“It is!!! You fucking promised! I believed you! She could have been there! Lulu could have been downstairs!!! She could have fucking died, Serpent!” I grip both her wrists, her heaving breaths so loud, she sounds like she might just jump at my throat. Tears spill over her plump cheeks, her green eyes so vivid right now, somehow emphasizing the pain, the fear she’s feeling.
This is not the time to rationalize with her. That’s not what she needs, but to let those demons out. All she can see right now is what could have been… how her best friend could have ended.
And I can’t help but wonder… did Holt know Loreley wasn’t in the club?