Page 44 of Reckless Covenant

I’m thankful for the covering right now. Last thing I want is for the whole of fucking Queenscove that’s currently in attendance to see me speechless in front of O’Rourke’s daughter.

She moves all of a sudden, shaking her head as she steps around me, and the music and background noise fill the air.

Jesus… what is she doing to me?!

Without bothering to button up my shirt, I follow her, touching the bumpy skin on my chest where she stabbed half a year ago, at her mother’s party—the first time I saw her face to face in years.

It was the moment I realized all was not forgotten for her.

I was stupid to think it was—I left her with someone else’s lie as the only explanation.

It was also the moment I confirmed without a shadow of a doubt the only reason I accepted the invite to that event—I want her back.

But does she want me?




Son of a bitch! I’m heaving as I make my way through the crowd, wishing I would be back in the middle of that forest, because God-fucking-damnit! All I want to do right now is smash, destroy something, break some bones, and open this motherfucker’s scar with a knife again!

Did he know?

Did The Serpent fucking know that it was me the other night, when he fingered me in the middle of my goddamn club?!


My steps falter and I slow down just as I reach the stairs that lead up to the reception.

Does he know it’s my club too?

I feel a grip around my wrist, but carry on up the stairs, shaking it off violently. He must be following, but rage slowly makes its way through my bones, like another entity living inside of me, and I know I can’t let it take over. I cannot make a scene here.

So I keep going, through the reception, which still has people walking about, unlocking the door that takes me away from it all. Only, I’m not the one pushing open the door. Instead, his hand lands right next to my head, and he does it for me.

“Miss?” We both stop. I turn slowly toward the receptionist. “Everything… okay?” A few more people turn their heads in our direction.

She’s seen me walk through here before. Though never followed, or with company.

I take a deep breath, his signature scent suddenly noticeable now that we’re away from the crowd.

“All good, darling, see you soon.”

She nods, returning to the customers talking to her, and I push through the door he kept ajar as that rage returns too.

“You!” I whip around, pointing at him the moment the door closes behind us. I have no idea what else I want to say to him, but I’m only seeing shades of red.

I go to the closest door to me and punch in another code, pushing it open when it unlocks, but this time around, I stop him as he tries to walk through with me.

“Did you know?!” I have one hand on the edge of the door, the other on the frame, blocking his access. “No, fuck, scratch that. I don’t wanna know!”

“Know what, Little Eve?” I catch his grin, shadowed by the mask he wears, the low, even tone of his voice making me even angrier.

“Don’t play with me, Serpent.”

He places his palm on the door and pushes on it, only I hold it tighter.