For the first time in weeks… months… maybe even years, I wake up and the world isn’t spinning aimlessly. The dust settled, the woman that’s haunted my dreams for far too long, wrapped tight in my arms.
I brought her to my home last night. Mamaw June was in the house, riddled with worry. She stopped in front of me, red eyes still wet with tears, and couldn’t bring herself to come too close. Instead, she took Morrigan by the shoulders, looked her over, and pulled her to her chest, hugging her so tight, until Morrigan broke down. They stood there as she finished crying, and I felt completely helpless. And in awe. I’m used to reckless Eve, I’m used to her anger, her violence, her outbursts, her sassiness… but seeing this vulnerability, after the actual victory, it shows her in such a different light. A different type of strength.
Mamaw June made sure we ate, then in her true fashion, quite literally sent us to shower and to bed before she left. Like we were nothing but children… not two grown ass adults that pretty much came from battle. Morrigan still carried blood on her face, even though we tried to wash it off in the back room of the church, as our men were cleaning everything up, along with the clean-up team we sent for. We left everything in order for Father Brown, but nothing can scrub off those memories from his mind. Safe to say… I don’t think we’re ever going to be welcome in church.
Before Mamaw left, she stopped in the doorway of my house, turned slowly, and looked at me with such pain and relief in her eyes that I actually felt sorry for the life I pulled her into.
“I can’t ask you to stop this, to choose a different path anymore. This is it for you, I understand that, but… I’m proud of you. I’m sorry you had to do it, but I am proud of you.”I was expecting the first part of that, but not the second.“You did all of this for her, you did it for her life, for love, you did it to save her… and I know you did it for me too. You used that darkness that dominates you for selfless reasons.”She finally hugged me after this. She wrapped her arms tight around me, my aching muscles hurting so bad, but I couldn’t tell her that. She thought I was dead…
Just as Morrigan did.
When I went upstairs, I found Morrigan standing in front of the shower, still dressed, just looking at it. I’m not sure it truly hit her that it’s over. Truly over. That she is free. She played her part in her life so well, put up a wall so high and thick, pushed through the shit her family put her through, then her boyfriend. Even in university… she just pretended that all is well and that a different life wasn’t actually waiting for her when she returned. And now, for the first time ever… she is truly free.
I undressed her whilst she watched me, her eyes never leaving me. Then I undressed myself as the room was steaming up, pulling her with me under the spray. I washed her, then washed myself, and just as I was about to get out and take her with me, she wrapped her arms around my waist, pressed her head on my chest, and… just held me. Nothing more, nothing less, she just held me…
I thought that it was only her that needed this intimacy, this comfort. As she squeezed just a little bit tighter, memories of the day started flooding me, and one by one, the attack inside my house, the gunfire… struck unconscious and taken to Boseman’s safe-house… they weighed me down. I got out, but not unscathed, I’m a bit broken, bruised, I’m pretty sure I have a few fractured ribs, but I got out, because all I could think of when I was tied to that fucking chair, was Morrigan. I didn’t wait for all those years just so it could end in a few hours. Then the church… Boseman finally dead, her family, Holt… It didn’t just end for her. This was the end of a large chapter of my life as well. This wasn’t just her revenge, it was mine too.
So we just held each other, under the warm spray of the shower, waiting as it washed away some of our sins, some of our sorrows. I think it worked. We fell asleep instantly after we got out, naked, skin still damp, glistening in the moonlight streaming through the floor-to-ceiling windows.
As I watch the sun streaming in now, it really does feel as though it’s the first day of the rest of my life. And I can’t fucking wait to live it.
“Mmm…” she moans softly, rubbing her cheek on that soft spot between my chest and shoulder. When she opens her eyes and finds me looking straight at her, she stops mid inhale, the seconds that pass feeling more like time itself standing still.
Suddenly, filled with desperation, she grabs me by the hair, tugging at me to get closer and meet her lips. She presses them so hard against mine, until they ache against my teeth, but I don’t stop her. She only releases me for a split second before she dives back in, kissing me hard and fast, pulling at my hair, making my scalp ache.
Yet I can’t help but smile through those urgent kisses.
When she finally releases me, I realize she’s smiling too.
My Little Eve.
“It’s over… isn’t it?”
“It is. You’re free to do… everything.” I rub a thumb over her smile, because I forgot how beautiful the genuine one looks on her. When I run my fingers through her red locks, she hums gently and pulls herself to my lips again.
“Can I start by doing you?” she whispers against me, and the laughter that bursts out of me gains me a hard slap on my chest.
“Maybe not, then.” She tries to pull away from me, but in one swift move, I yank her whole body on top of mine, and she scrambles to prop herself up and straddle me.
“Oh no, don’t you dare. You already offered. You can’t take it back.”
“Watch me.” She purses her lips.
“Oh, Little Eve, I am going to watch you… as you take it, take me.” I grab her by the throat and pull her to me, shutting her up with a deep kiss, forcing my tongue into her mouth, battling her own, before she finally melts into me. Her small hands grip my throat, tightening, taking my breath away as her hips grind over mine, her pussy getting wetter against my growing erection.
Grabbing her ass cheek, I press her harder against me as I push my hips up, and swallow the sharp moan that escapes her.Fuck… she sounds so goddamn beautiful when she’s filled with ecstasy.
I slide my hand between her ass cheeks, past her ass, down to her tight, wet cunt, and when I slide two fingers inside of her, her back arches and she whips her head back on a loud moan, breaking our kiss, her tits pushing into my face.
“So goddamn beautiful!” I lick my lips as I watch her roll her body on top of me, and when her eyes drop down to look into mine, the flames of fucking Hell itself stare back at me.
“Fuck me, Serpent.” That smile spells motherfucking menace, and the Morrigan I know, the one she never lets out enough, comes to play.
I pull my fingers out of her, grip my cock, guiding the head to the wet center of her, and I’m barely there, when in one long stroke, she drops down the length of me, balls fucking deep.
“Goddamnit!” I release her throat, grabbing her ass as my own back arches, pushing myself so fucking deep inside of her, I think I saw Hell, Heaven, and goddamn-fucking Valhalla, all rolled into one.