“Shit.” I couldn’t stop that sharp whisper.
Both the men turn to me as I lift my foot off the ground, shaking the warm wetness from it as I realize what it is.
“Are you barefoot?” Maddox whispers, and I nod.
Before I can protest, he reaches down, sliding one arm against my back the other under my knees, lifting me to his chest. The Serpent doesn’t move. His eyes turn to slits, narrowing on the man that holds me, his shoulders stiffer than usual, and I swear I feel that possessiveness in my bones as that gaze splits me. I bet Maddox can feel it too.
“We have to go,” I whisper through gritted teeth.
The dark slits turn to me for a moment, before he shifts on his heels, and starts running through the corridors, as thunder fills the night. Holding on to Maddox, I will my gaze to stay away from his, the intimacy of the moment we shared seconds before leaving a lingering tension behind. I can feel it in the way he holds me, half avoiding to squeeze me too tight, to touch me in the wrong place, yet the tension in his thick muscles is unmissable.
The Bluesy tune lingers through my mind as well… and I still wonder if he remembers it too.
We turn on the corridor, through some smaller service rooms, and when The Serpent opens the last door, the whole sky explodes in electric white, a lightning zipping through the night sky, the magnitude of it faltering our steps. But we don’t linger as the thunder splits the silence in its roaring boom, the rain suddenly crashing on us, heavy and dense.
We’re slipping between the wall at the side of the house and some vegetation before stopping in front of absolutely nothing, a bare wall looking at me.
“What are we doing here?” I turn to Maddox.
He nods toward the wall, confused. “Escaping.”
Of course. What did I expect? For them to have driven on the driveway?!
The Serpent jumps, grips the top of the wall and leaps in another impressively fluid movement, disappearing beyond it. Maddox then dips me to my feet, grips my waist, and lifts me until I can reach the wall and climb over it.
But when my feet touch the ground on the other side, and I turn, he’s there, right in my space, looking down at me… the possessiveness in his eyes as clear as the lighting that burns the sky. And I can’t stop myself, I can’t do it… I don’t want to.
He fucking came for me!
I rise on my tiptoes, grab his face in my hands, and when my lips crash on his, my world turns upside down. Because it feels right! As if it turned the right way around, and his intoxicating scent smells like home, so I kiss him again. And again! A second later, his arms take hold of me, and like a fucking python, they tighten around my body, taking my breath away.
He might as well keep it, because I think it always belonged to him.
“Come on.” Maddox pulls us from this spell. I didn’t even hear him jump over the wall.
It’s such a surreal night, everything is happening so quick. Like a movie. Only I keep blinking and I’m in a different scene before I can settle in the previous one.
We reach a car and I climb into the back seat.
“Fuck!” The occupied driver’s seat startles me.
“Good evening.” Carter nods at me.
“You scared the hell out of me.”
“Are you okay?” The Serpent climbs in after me and finally speaks.
“He didn’t…? You’re sure?” He’s asking specific questions, without being specific at all.
“I’m okay. Raven… is yours?” I ask, looking between the men, Maddox now in the passenger seat.
“All ours. She did good, no?” Carter turns to me.
“Very good. Thank you.” I smile gently, to each and every one of them, and they nod. None of them return the smile. “His mother came to me. She confirmed something I suspected—there’s more to this than a sheer desire to marry me. Some time ago, she found paperwork, a lot of it, all about my family and I.”
“What kind?” Carter looks at me from the central mirror, brows furrowed.