“We’ll get all the copies.” His breath brushes that sensitive spot under my ear. “Then we’ll get him, Little Eve. Then your parents. We’ll get them all, pull them in our hell and burn them in your heathen fire.”
Each and every syllable slithers around his tongue, dripping from it onto my skin, as he whispers into my ear. Then he kisses the edge of it, sending electric shocks through my whole body with that soft touch of his lips. When he releases me from his hold, my legs almost give out. Almost. And he convinces me… I’m not sure if it’s confidence, or just the tone of his voice, but I believe him.
So I walk into the light, carrying his darkness on my skin.
The scent of her room brought back memories that I didn’t think touched me anymore.
It was a different life.
One I was ripped out of by the man I just cut a deal with—her goddamn father.
But that scent… her soft red curls, the feel of them against me, the curves that turned that teenager into this goddess, the freckles that seem to sparkle like stars in certain lights, they brought me back to a time where my fury wanted to rip him in two.
Rip him away from life itself.
Only now, I can actually do it.
But before I do, I will make sure to tell him why—myreason, not the new one Morrigan gave me.
I followed her car as she drove to her friend’s building. For her safety, but my curiosity too. I need to know if Ryan put a tail on her. If we’re going to keep meeting, and we certainly will, I need to know if I have to give her instructions, how to take precautions. Only my curiosity was fed in a completely different way.
“Why didn’t you tell me that her best friend lives in the same building where Metamorphosis is?”
“I thought Carter would have told you when you went there with him. He did the research before you guys signed up.” Maddox sits at our usual table in the bar when I arrive. There’s already quite a few people here, yet a bit less than usual at this time. Saturdays tend to be busy nights for Midnight. Everyone needs to let out some steam, only I have a feeling even more are going to go to Metamorphosis.
Carter arrives just as I settle onto the sofa, nodding hello to us both.
“Yes. I followed her last night, after we left her parents’ dinner.”
“Morrigan? You… followed… her?” Carter raises an eyebrow at me.
“Jesus Christ, get over yourself. I wanted to see if Ryan tracks her. It’s to our benefit after all.”
“Mhm…” he hums, clearly not convinced in the slightest.
“It’s her friend’s club. What’s so unusual about her living there too?” Maddox shrugs.
True, there shouldn’t be anything unusual about it. Only somehow, Morrigan’s presence there makes me… think. It’s her best friend. That means there’s a high chance that she frequents the club too. Which means that I could have seen her there. I haven’t caught sight of her signature locks though, the few times I went there.
“I think I’m going to go out tonight.” I look at Carter and there’s a faint twitch between his eyebrows. He doesn’t question me, only nods, but I can see that sneaky sparkle in his eyes.
“I’m waiting for Ekaterina. I need to catch up with her, then I’m going to go look into those photos.” Carter signals one of the waitresses, letting her know we’re ready to get some drinks. They know not to disturb us until we ask.
“I’m gonna go downstairs.”
We both turn to Madds. If he goes downstairs to our fight club… something has to be wrong. This time, I suspect it has something to do with the story Morrigan told us.
When he speaks those words, there is usually one of two looks in his eyes—the fairly placid one that says that he’s just supervising, or the one that hides that feral beast scratching its way to the surface. It’s the beast we see now, not yet at the surface, and he needs to let it out, de-stress.
“Okay.” The corner of my lips quirk. Sometimes it’s better for one of us to be there, just in case he goes too far. And he has gone too far, a few times…
“Stop fucking looking at me like that,” he spits at Carter. “Call Finn if you want. He cansuperviseme.” He leaves the table, his heavy footsteps shaking the floor on the way to the back rooms.
“Shit… What the hell is going on with him?” Carter asks, but the waitress interrupts us, and we send her on her way with our order.