He forces a half-smile. “Sounds like fun.”
“No, it doesn’t. It’s okay. I don’t really like going, either. Attendance is mandatory, so we do what we have to do.” I shrug. For the most part, I like being part of the sorority. I’ve made friends. Sisters. We have fun together.
So if I need to, I can put on the fancy dress and high heels and wear the makeup. I can actually brush my hair for once. I’ll put in the effort for one night.
Maybe with Miles by my side, it will be different. True, we haven’t exactly gone on a date yet—he’s promised that’s coming soon—but we’ve spent enough time together that I know we’ll have a good time. I like spending time with him, both naked and fully clothed.
And thinking of getting naked…
“Do you want to head upstairs?”
His face goes pink. “We should study a little bit longer.”
Oh. Does he not want to…?
“Let’s get this done, then we can enjoy ourselves a little,” he says. He glances over his shoulder and lowers his voice. “I want to show you how much I like you in my hoodie.”
My stomach gives a little flip of anticipation at the glint in his eye.
“Maybe I should wear your hoodie more often.”
“Never take it off,” he says seriously.
“That can be arranged.”
He meets my eye and gives me a private smile that promises loads of dirty things to follow.
We work for another hour or so. At least, Miles works, and I try to follow along with the complicated ideas he’s explaining. I’m only moderately successful.
Barrett and Greg are in the living room, playing a video game. Wes is in his usual corner with a book.
“Have fun, you two,” Greg says as we head towards the stairs. “Use protection!”
“Thanks, we will!” I tell him brightly.
Miles’s face is bright red. When he kisses me outside his room, it’s hard and eager. Gone is the shy, sweet guy I got on Saturday night.
“Inside,” he says, swatting me lightly on the ass.
“Soon enough.” I give him my best lascivious smirk.
He growls and scoops me up, throwing me over his shoulder. He palms my ass with one hand as he opens the door and throws me onto his bed.
“Take your pants off,” he demands, locking the door behind him.
I prop myself up onto my elbows. “Excuse me?” I’m not some sex toy that opens my legs on command. That’s not how this works.
“Please,” he says thickly. “Please take your pants off so I can eat your pussy.”
A shiver of heat runs through me.
My hands are shaky as I work at my boots. Miles makes a noise of frustration and kneels down in front of me, unzipping and pulling off my shoes one by one. I slip my leggings down my legs, and he’s there to help, pulling the fabric down my thick thighs. He presses a kiss to the inside of my knee.
Anticipation crackles along every nerve. I can hardly breathe.
He kisses his way up the inside of my thighs. His hands stroke my ankles, my shins, my knees, as he works his way up. I spread my legs, and he noses at my center, rubbing his cheek against me.
“You’re okay if these come off?” He fingers the strap of my thong, his voice thick and husky.