Chapter 36
Everyone needs a little bit of crazy on Christmas. ~ Phoebe’s rules for becoming a better person
“Hold up.” Ryker pushes past me to open the door to McGraw’s Pub for me since my hands are full with a dish of brownies I made.
My cooking and baking skills have improved somewhat since I moved in with Ryker. But don’t ask me about the incident with the chicken and the fire alarm. How was I supposed to know you shouldn’t use too much oil in a pan? The instructions said heat oil in the pan, not how much oil to use.
Baking cakes and pies is still beyond my skill set, but I can bake a mean tray of brownies. Adding chocolate chips and a bit of peanut butter can make nearly anything taste yummy.
Ryker fumbles with the packages in his hands to open the door. “You might have gone a little overboard with the presents, Princess.”
I glare and stomp my foot. “Ryker Rossi, you are not going to shame me about buying Christmas presents. This is the first Christmas I have people I care about to buy presents for.” I stand on my tiptoes and get in his face. “First Christmas ever.”
The corners of his lips tip up in a barely there smile. “Okay, Princess. No more complaints.”
“Darn straight. There will be no more complaints.”
Confession. He’s not wrong. I totally went overboard with gift buying. But Ryker bought me a house and put a ring on it. I was compelled to show my appreciation. The result of which was a Christmas tree bursting with gifts this morning. I bought Ryker an iPad, a car office organizer, some non-black clothes… Yeah, I totally went overboard.
I wasn’t sure if I should buy gifts for the rest of the family, but then I decided I didn’t care if they didn’t return the favor. Giving presents shouldn’t be about what you receive in return. I may have gone hog wild at the mall. In my defense, seeing all those zeroes in my bank account after a year of living on ramen noodles would make any mall-loving girl go a bit looney.
Ryker kisses my forehead before taking a step back and opening the door. I take one step inside and cheers of congratulations erupt. I blush. “Did you tell them you were proposing this morning?”
“Yep.” Ryker puffs his chest out. I’m surprised he doesn’t start beating it.
Hailey and Suzie rush me. I set the brownies on the nearest table before they get dropped in the upcoming attack. Hailey grabs my hands and pulls me to the booth furthest from the men.
“How did he propose?” she asks as she shoves me into a seat.
Suzie plops down across from me. “Was it romantic?”
I raise my eyebrow. “You don’t like romance, remember?”
“I like romance well enough as long as it doesn’t involve me.”
“Come on, spill,” Hailey urges. “We don’t have much time before Ryker comes to claim you.”
I look over and sure enough, Ryker is staring at us. I shake my head and mouth I’m fine. I don’t think he cares.
“He sort of demanded I marry him.”
“Were you naked?”
My eyes widen. “Why would you ask that?”
Suzie giggles and points at my face. “The blush says you totally were naked.”
“Whatever. Do you want to see my ring?”
I raise my hand and wiggle it in front of their faces.
“Holy batman. He’s not fooling around,” Suzie says as she grabs my hand.
Hailey snorts. “What did you expect? He moved her into his house without asking after knowing her for like a minute. The man knows what he wants.”
The door opens and Suzie looks up. She scowls at whoever entered. I look over. The man she was flirting with a while ago is standing in the doorway looking uncomfortable.
“What is he doing here?” She grits her teeth as she glares in his direction.