“Do I tell Ryker you guys are coming?” I feel like a complete and utter idiot. These are not questions other women have to ask.

“You don’t have to, but you can casually mention the tailgate party and ask if he wants to go.”

Why didn’t I think of that? I nod my thanks and she smiles before walking back to the table. She barely makes it two steps before Suzie jumps in front of her.

“What are you guys whispering about? Is it a secret? Can I know? Tell me now.”

Suzie’s mouth motors away as she hops around. She looks back at me and winks as she turns the corner into the pub. Pops, carrying a tray piled high with dishes, tries to duck out of her way, but no one can avoid the maelstrom known as Suzie. She jumps straight into him. She bounces and skitters backwards before falling onto her bottom. The tray wobbles before Pops loses control. Dishes and bowls go flying. A bowl of cranberry sauce lands right on Suzie’s chest.

She dips her finger into the sauce. “Mmm… yummy.” She lifts her shirt and starts licking the mess off.

“You’ll be wasting your breath,” Hailey says before I can yell at Suzie for her unhygienic behavior.

“Is this normal?”

She giggles. “Aren’t you used to Suzie by now?”

No one can get used to Suzie. Not really. “No, I mean there were fart jokes at the dinner table.” And lots of people smiling in happiness. I’ve never seen people happy on the holidays before. Holidays are supposed to be stressful, aren’t they?

“Oh yeah.” Hailey giggles. “The uncles are probably already planning their Christmas prank. And Pops will want revenge as well.” She winks. “You’ll get used to it.”

Get used to it? As in I’m invited to Christmas as well? My eyes itch and I have to look away before I give myself away. I blink fast and take deep breaths to stop the tears from falling. I’ve heard of happy tears before, but I thought they were a myth. I’m happy to ruin some mascara to bust this myth. Phoebe 2.0 – as I’ve now decided to call myself – has a rocking life.