“Princess.” He tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear. “Why are you here?”

And I thought I was tingling before. When he speaks in a soft voice and touches me with such gentleness, my knees go weak. The corner of his mouth kicks up in a half-smile and a dimple comes out to play. A dimple I want to lick. Oh boy. I’m sailing in unchartered waters. What do I do?

“Answer the question, Princess. Why do you need self-defense classes?”

My brain comes back online. “Because I don’t want to feel helpless again.”

And now I understand where the expression thunderous face comes from. If ever there was a thunderous face, I’m looking at it. “Explain.”

I wave my hand to signal it’s no big deal and end up smacking him in the chest. His rock hard chest. I’ve heard about six-pack abs but I’ve never seen any up close. I bet Ryker has six-pack abs. I bite my lip and my hand itches to touch.

Ryker grabs my hand and places it flat against his chest. “Explain. Now.”

I clear my throat and force myself to look him in the eyes and explain about Stan Brown the dick. And if I thought Ryker’s face was thunderous before, I was wrong. Because this face? If you look up thunderous in the dictionary, you’ll see a picture of the face he’s making right now.

I start backpedaling. “It’s not a big deal. Nothing happened. But it made me aware of how dangerous my job could be. Hailey is a superhero. She can do self-defense, shoot all kinds of weapons, and disable security systems. I’m merely an unskilled woman who Hailey took a chance on.”

He swears under his breath. “I should have been there.”

My brow wrinkles. “Should have been there? Why? I was doing my job.”

“I’m supposed to be looking out for you.”

This is news to me. “You are? Why?”

“Because.” He grunts as if ‘because’ is an answer. I don’t think so.

“Look.” I poke him in his chest and immediately regret it. Ouch! I shake my hand out. “Just because you’re a badass bounty hunter doesn’t mean I need you to look after me. I can take care of myself.” At least, I’m learning how to, and I quite like it, too.

Before Ryker can respond, Suzie shouts, “Pheebs! You’re missing the best part! We get to attack a man in an alien suit.”

An alien suit? What is she talking about? I look over and see someone wearing one of those padded self-defense suits. He, at least I’m assuming it’s a he, looks nothing like an alien.

“Do you think he’ll probe me?” she shouts. The rest of the women turn to gawk at her. She raises her hands. “What?”

“I better get back there before Suzie causes a riot,” I say and duck under Ryker’s arm. I make it exactly one step before he grabs my t-shirt and pulls me back.

“I’m serious. I want to make sure you’re safe. Protect you.”

If there’s a phrase likely to cause to lose my mind, it’s protect you. I am sick and tired of people doing things to protect me when really they’re saving their own skin. “Let go over my t-shirt.”

He fists the shirt tighter.

“Fine.” I grab the hem and whip the shirt off. No biggie. I’ve worn bikini tops that show more skin than the sports bra I’m wearing.

Ryker’s eyes widen as he takes a step back. “This isn’t over,” he declares before throwing my shirt at me.

I catch my shirt and roll my eyes. “Whatever.” I stomp away from him. I do not need a man to come butting into my life and telling me what to do. I’ve had enough of those kinds of men for the rest of my life, thank you very much.