“I was afraid you’d say that.” He pulls a knife from behind his back. Well, shit, things went downhill fast.

I take a step back. He waves the knife around as he takes a step in my direction. “Don’t move.”

I am really done taking orders from men, especially men waving knives in my face. I twirl around and take off running. There’s an office on the other side of the motel. If I can reach it before Brown reaches me, I’ll be safe.

Thank goodness I listened to Hailey and stopped wearing my high heels to work. I may be an expert in walking in heels, but running full out? Now is not the moment to find out.

I realize I’m huffing and puffing away but not screaming. “Help! Help!”

Screaming for help doesn’t make a darn bit of difference if there’s no one around. Shit. I’m going to die in the cracked parking lot of a no-name hotel. No. If I can survive my past, I can survive a swindler running at me with a knife. I’m not giving up yet. I dare a glimpse behind me. Crap. Stan Brown is gaining on me. I put on a burst of speed. Almost there.

I reach out my hand to open the door to the office, but Brown grasps my shoulder and spins me around before I can grab the door handle. He places the knife in my face and snarls at me. “Give me the camera.”

I shake my head. “No.”

“Then, I’ll have to take it.”

He reaches forward to grab the camera, and I wrap my arms around it. I refuse to give it up. After all, he can’t stab me and steal my camera at the same time, can he?

“Help! Help!” I scream and use my foot to pound on the door behind me. Where is the office manager? Why isn’t he out here helping me?

Tires screech and a car comes barreling into the parking lot. It slams to a halt mere feet from where Brown and I stand playing tug-a-war with my camera. A man jumps out of the car and starts running toward us.

As soon as Brown notices the man, he releases the camera and I stumble back. I fall against the office door but manage to keep my feet. Brown takes off before the man can reach us.

“Are you okay?” he asks as he looks me up and down. “Do you want me to call the police?”

“Umm…” I bite my lip. I’m not sure what I should do. “I think I’ll call my boss.”

“Come on. Why don’t you sit in the office while you call him?”

I don’t correct his assumption that my boss is a male. Now isn’t the time to beat my chest and rant about women’s emancipation.

He pulls out a key and my eyes widen as he unlocks the door. Holy moly. The office was locked! What would I have done if I’d known the office was locked? No, I’m not going to think about it. I’m glad I didn’t know earlier.

He guides me to a fold-up chair, and I take a seat to call Hailey who calls Aiden who tells me to call the police. I guess I’m calling the police.

My hands tremble for an entirely different reason. Will the police figure out who I am? No. I refuse to believe it. My background is solid. They won’t have any reason to go digging around. I hope.