Chapter 32

Hangovers suck. That’s it. That’s my kern of wisdom for the day. ~ Phoebe’s rules for becoming a better person

“Princess,” Ryker whispers in my ear as he shakes my shoulder. I slap his hand away.

“No. Go away.” My head is killing me. Whoever said you can’t get a hangover from drinking vodka is a big fat liar.

He kisses the side of my head. “It’s nearly lunchtime. Don’t you need to get to work?”

Shit. I roll over and slowly sit up in bed. The room spins for a moment before Ryker’s smirking face comes into focus. I point my finger at him.

“I blame you. You were the one who took me day drinking on a school day.”

He chuckles before grabbing my hands and hauling me to my feet. His lips briefly touch mine before he pulls away. “Come on. Hailey called. She wants your help on a case.”

I perk up. I love working on cases with Hailey – assuming she doesn’t bring Lola with her. She may be cute as all get out, but the word horny was invented for that dog. I dress as quickly as my shaky legs will allow.

Once we’re on the road to You Cheat, We Eat, I dial Hailey’s number, but she doesn’t pick up. I bite my lip and tap my foot. I hope she’s not mad at me for coming in late.

Ryker pats my leg to still my nervous tapping. “Stop worrying. You’re not an office worker and you don’t get paid a salary. You don’t have to be in the office at 9 a.m. every morning.”

I know he’s right, but I hate how I missed a call from Hailey. What if she needed back-up? No more day drinking.

I’m practically running and dragging Ryker with me when I open the door to the office.

“Surprise!” Suzie shouts and I freeze.

I look around but I don’t see anything out of the ordinary. I wrinkle my brow. “Surprise what?”

Hailey rolls her eyes. “I told you not to overdo it.”

“Go big or go home!” Suzie raises her fist in the air.

“What’s going on?”

“Maybe you should go check out your office,” Suzie sings and points to my office door. My closed door. I never close my door.

I take a deep breath to brace for whatever shenanigans she’s up to now and walk to the door. Before I open it, I look around at their smiling faces. They’re not punking me, are they? I know Hailey loves practical jokes. It’s an inherited trait as her pops is always pulling pranks. I’ve learned to sniff my shampoo before using it. The man may be sweet as all get out, but he’s a troublemaker. Beer does not belong in shampoo.

I open the door and frown. “Why is my office filled with filing cabinets?”

Suzie skips up behind me. “Because it’s not your office anymore.”

My heart stops. “Not my office. Are you firing me? I have my license now.”

Hailey pushes Suzie out of the way. “Ignore her.” She grabs my hand and guides me to the door of the filing room. “This,” she points to the door, “is your new office.”

She opens the door and I gasp. This room was filled with boxes and filing cabinets a mere two days ago. Now, there are two desks on opposite sides of the room with visitor chairs in front of them. I sniff. It smells like there’s a fresh coat of paint as well.

“Are we sharing an office now?” I ask Hailey.

“Nope. You’ll be sharing your office with someone else.” She winks. Why is she winking? I’m not getting the joke.

“Did you hire a new investigator?” I’m a bit disappointed she didn’t involve me in the hiring process. I know I haven’t been at the PI firmslong, but we’re a team. Big decisions like hiring new personnel should be done as a group, right?

Ryker comes up behind me and twirls me around to face him. “She didn’t hire me, but I’ll be renting an office as well as some administrative services from the firm.”

“What in the world are you talking about? You’re a bounty hunter, not a PI.”