“They really don’t care about airing their private lives in front of strangers, do they?” I ask as my head ping pongs left and right to watch their verbal volleys back and forth across the crowded bar.

“Please.” Hailey snorts. “Men gossip worse than women.”

Aiden wraps an arm around her shoulder and pulls her close. “Yeah, sure. And you didn’t just drag Phoebe over here to gossip about your friend Suzie.”

“We weren’t gossiping. We were observing. I’m a PI. Watching and observing is the name of my game.” She looks up at him. “Besides, you can’t tell me the uncles didn’t already ask you to do a background check on him.” She thumbs her finger toward the man Suzie is playing pool with.

Aiden’s cheeks pink. Hailey nods. “Exactly what I thought.”

Ryker puts his arm around my shoulders and pulls me close to kiss my forehead. “You doing okay? The uncles kind of ambushed you back there.”

“Don’t act like you aren’t happy I agreed to see a therapist.”


I giggle. “At least you’re honest. Or honest now, I should say.” I can’t help myself from bringing up his earlier treachery. It plays on a loop on my mind.

The smile dies on his lips and he pulls me close. “I told you before, but I’ll repeat myself until you believe me. I won’t lie to you again, Princess. There may be things I can’t tell you about my job, but I won’t lie to you again. Ever. Promise.”

I shouldn’t believe him. But after living with a man who could win an Olympic Gold Medal for Best Liar In the Universe, I like to think I can detect lies better than most women. And Ryker? He looks sincere. Besides, who would put up with the craziness surrounding my life if they weren’t serious about me? Not to mention put his career on hold while protecting me.

“Okay,” I whisper.

“Thank you,” he mutters before his lips crash on mine. I immediately open up and his tongue pushes his way into my mouth. I nip him and he growls.

Hailey wolf whistles and I realize we’re in the middle of a bar. I pull away from Ryker and look around. Everyone’s staring at us with big smiles on their faces. Is this what it feels like to be part of a family? They may drive me crazy, but you won’t hear me complaining. Not today at least.