“You mean Suzie the big mouth didn’t tell you?”

“Hey! I don’t have a big mouth.”

I snort. “Yeah, sure. And rainbows fly out of your butt.”

She frowns. “We’ve created a monster.”

At hearing her call me a monster, I flinch. I know she’s teasing but old habits die hard. Wally’s gaze zeroes in on me. Damn. The man misses nothing. What is he? Some secret spy? I give him one of my patented sure-to-make-a-man-drool smiles. He isn’t buying it. He frowns, and I look away. I obviously can’t win a staring contest with Mr. Super Secretive.

“Anyway.” I clear my throat and take a sip of my martini before telling everyone about my adventures in backyard swimming today.

Everyone laughs except Wally. He tilts his head and studies me. “Why do you think Stan Brown is living there?”

I raise my hand and count off. “One, his supposed widow is definitely living there. I got her picture today.” I pat myself on the back. I may not have gotten the money shot, but no other firm has managed to capture a picture of Melanie Brown yet. “Two, no woman needs a television that big.”

“What’s the deal with oversized televisions and men anyway?” Suzie asks the table. “Is this part of the whole misunderstanding about size? Because I’ve never met a man who knew what six inches was.”

Hailey smirks. “I know how to measure six inches.”

“Six inches?” Aiden raises his brow. “Pretty sure it’s more than six inches.”

Hailey rolls her eyes. “I didn’t say it was six inches. I said I know how to measure six inches.”

Wally clears his throat. “What else?”

“When I was … ‘swimming’… a man shouted for me to get out of his yard.”

“Maybe Melanie has herself a new man.” Sid wiggles his eyebrows.

I’m not buying it. “Why haven’t I seen him enter or leave the house then?”


Judging by the grin on Sid’s face, I don’t want to hear what he has to say. I hold up my hand to stop him. “I’ve staked the place out at various times throughout the day. No one has come or gone from the house. It’s not normal.”

Sid grunts in agreement, and I smile. Maybe I am good at this investigator stuff after all. I should be, considering how many lies and cheats I was exposed to in my previous life.

Pops arrives with a huge tray of food. My mouth waters as he sets plates of hamburgers and fries in front of everyone. With a wink, he grabs a bowl of tomato soup and places it in front of me. I force myself to thank him. I know there’s no tomato soup on the menu and Carol the cook made it special for me since I try to keep to a healthy diet, even now when money is scarce.

Before I get a chance to dive into my tomato soup I wish was a burger, Hailey nudges me. “Check out Mr. Hottie making eyes at you.”

I look over and sure enough, Ryker is sitting at the bar with his gaze focused on me. I feel my body heat. Is it hot in here? I feel warm. I fist my spoon to resist the temptation to fan myself.

Suzie leans across me to see who Hailey’s talking about. “Isn’t that the guy who asked you out?”

My blush intensifies. Did she have to tell the whole table? She nudges me with her shoulder. “You should tell him yes. I’m sure the trip to bonetown is still available.”

Hailey reaches around me to smack Suzie upside the head. “Stop embarrassing Phoebe. If she doesn’t want to date Mr. Hottie she doesn’t have to.”

“Damn right she won’t date him.” Lenny points at Aiden. “At least not until we get a background check.”

Aiden shakes his head. “Not happening.”

Hailey’s fiancé is a police detective, which came in super handy when Hailey landed herself a stalker. But it’s not handy when the uncles are up to their old tricks.

Wally snickers. “Like we need your help.”

I ignore the uncles and Aiden as they argue about when it’s appropriate to run a background check. They can run all the background checks they want. It doesn’t matter. I’m not dating Ryker of the deep, growly voice or anyone else for that matter. Men and romantic relationships have no place in Phoebe’s new life.