Sid raises an eyebrow. “Do you want to stay here and talk to the police? Give them a statement and explain every little detail about your past? About why your husband hired a bounty hunter to bring you back?”

I bite my lip and consider his questions. I know the right thing to do is call the police. But would calling the police prevent my dear husband from hiring another bounty hunter? “But what if he hires more men to come after me?”

Lenny’s arm around me spasms. “No one is going to capture you and cuff you to a bed ever again,” he vows and the rest of the uncles grunt in agreement.

“It’s up to you,” Sid says. “We won’t take your choices away from you. You decide. Call the police or go home?”

I look to Wally. “What do you think?”

“I think calling the police will not make one bit of difference in what your husband does. I think Theodore Abbot does whatever the hell he wants and thinks he’s above the law.”

I gasp. He knows my husband’s name? Of course, he does. I told him my real name after all. I’m sure he couldn’t do a background check quick enough after I left his place once I’d revealed my real name.

And he’s right. Theodore – never Teddy – does think he’s above the law. Of course, I’d think I was above the law too if every time someone made a complaint against me, the complaint magically disappeared. It doesn’t hurt to have friends in high places. Money can buy you friends anywhere. And I do mean anywhere.

I sag into Lenny’s arm. “Okay. No police.”

He kisses my hair. “Good choice, Doll.”

“Let’s get on the road. We’ve got a five-hour drive ahead of us.” Wally walks out of the motel room and we follow.

As I pass Ryker, I’m sorely tempted to kick him in the balls. Unfortunately, he’s laying on his stomach. I raise my foot, willing to settle for a swift kick up his rear, but Lenny pulls me away. “Not worth it.”

“Says you.”

When we walk out of the room, I’m shocked to see the parking lot is deserted. Either no one heard the rescue, or no one cares to stick their nose in other people’s business. Considering how no one was willing to interfere when I was screaming my head off in Ryker’s truck, I’m thinking it’s the latter.

“How did you find me?” I ask once we’re settled in the SUV. I’m laying in the back seat using Lenny’s lap as a pillow with my legs draped over Sid.

Wally chuckles. “We have our ways.”

I roll my eyes at Mr. Mysterious.

“We’ve had our eye on Ryker from the beginning,” Sid says.

“Really? Did you not trust him?”

Sid snorts. “A bounty hunter interested in our Phoebe? The same Phoebe who is all secretive about her past? It didn’t take much to add one plus one and get trouble.”

Now they tell me. They couldn’t have warned me about what a snake in the grass Ryker was. And why did he have to befriend me and kiss me? Couldn’t he have kept his hands and lips to himself?

“Get some sleep, Doll. It’s a long drive and you’ve had quite the day already.” I want to argue with Lenny that I’m not tired, but he pets my hair and before I know it my eyes fall closed.