Chapter 17

Never underestimate pissed off semi-family members with military training. ~ Phoebe’s rules for becoming a better person

Although I fell asleep almost before I finished chewing the last potato chip, my sleep is fitful. Getting comfortable with my hands restricted is darn near impossible. My shoulders are starting to ache from the unnatural angle. I want to toss and turn but I don’t have enough range of motion.

Ryker has none of my problems. He laid down on top of the scratchy bedspread while fully clothed – including shoes – and promptly fell asleep. It’s unnatural. He’s laying with his hands across his chest and his feet crossed and hasn’t moved a muscle.

I stare at the clock attached to the television as it moves to 3 a.m. My head is full of thoughts on how to get myself out of this situation. I hate to admit it but escaping now doesn’t seem like my best bet. I have no idea where we are. And, without any mode of transportation, Ryker would catch up to me in no time. And I can’t get these cuffs off anyway. No, the best chance I have to escape is somewhere populated. Somewhere he has to deal with a bunch of strangers.

California is a long way away. We can’t take backroads the entire time. The trip would take a week and there’s no way Asshole Sleeping Next To Me Without A Worry In His Fat Head is going to put up with me bitching and moaning for a week. He’ll be forced to take the interstate where the gas stations are usually full of travelers. He’s going to have to let me go to the restroom at some point. All I have to do is get one person’s attention and tell them I’ve been kidnapped.

Plan in place – such as it is – I close my eyes and finally drift off. I awake with a start when I hear a loud crash. I open my eyes to find the door to the room hanging off its hinges and Wally standing in the opening. Ryker jumps to his feet with a gun in his hand. Shit. Where did he get a gun?

“Don’t shoot Wally,” I scream.

Someone pulls on my arm. “Come on, Doll. Let’s get you out of here.”

I gawk at Lenny as he helps me to my feet. “But the handcuffs?” I wiggle my wrists and discover I’m free. “How did you—”

“Quiet, Phoebe,” Sid orders.

Where the hell did he come from? I look around and notice Barney standing next to Wally. I guess the gang’s all here.

Wally and Barney are in a standoff with Ryker. All three have their guns raised and pointed at each other.

“You can shoot me,” Wally says with a smug look on his face. “But Barney will shoot you in return. You lost this round, kid.”

“I knew you four were trouble the second I saw you.”

Barney smiles. What a strange time to smile. “Five. But Pops couldn’t make it.” He looks my way. “He sends his regards.”

“Um, thanks?”

“We need to get out of here before we attract attention.” Wally motions with his pistol. “Are you going to be smart or dumb?”

I raise my hand. “I vote dumb.”

Lenny puts his arm around me and pulls me close. “Let’s go.” He starts walking around the bed to the door with Sid in front of him.

Ryker growls and moves. He keeps his gun raised and pointed toward Wally but situates himself at the end of the bed, preventing us from leaving. “You can’t take her.”

And now, I’m done. “Can’t take me! I’m not a commodity, you asshole. I’m a human being. I know the concept is strange to you since you’re a Grade A Asshole who thinks he can take people against their will, but I will not be taken. I am not going back to the man who abused me. I’m not.”

I look around the room. “Clue in. It’s five against one. You can’t win.”

“Your husband wants you back.”

I snort. “My husband doesn’t want me back. He wants his perfect Stepford wife who makes him look good back. Tell him to buy one off Amazon, because I am not on the market.”

“As much as I’m enjoying watching our Phoebe come into her own, this has gone on long enough.” Wally nods to Barney.

The next thing I know Ryker is on the floor with Barney’s knee in his neck. “How did—” I shake my head as I cut myself off. There’s no sense asking a question I know these men won’t answer. Still, when did jokester Barney learn how to take down a man twice his size?

I watch with my mouth gaping open as Barney hogties Ryker. Ryker fights him but Barney gags him and ties him up without breaking a sweat. I think I underestimated Hailey’s uncles. I should have realized when she told me they taught her to shoot every weapon known to man, there was more to them than meets the eye.

Barney stands and wipes his hands on his jeans. “Let’s go.”

“We’re just going to leave him there?” I don’t know why I care. Oh wait, I do know. “We should call the police. The man is a kidnapper.”