“Not today, Lola.”

“Look what the cat dragged in.” Suzie points to me and cackles.

Hailey rushes out of her office. She slaps Suzie on the shoulder. “Stop it. Phoebe looks frozen. What happened?”

My teeth chatter as I open my mouth to answer.

“Never mind. Let’s get you warmed up. I have some sweats in my office. They’ll be a little short on you, but they’re clean and dry.” Hailey’s an inch shorter than me, but at this point, I’d take a pair of pants from a munchkin as long as they’re dry.

Lola lays down in front of me with her big head on her paws and whines. “I thought you were getting her fixed.”

“Poor Lola. The mean lady wants to get you spayed.” Suzie pouts and claps her hands for the dog to come to her. Fat chance of Lola obeying when I’m around. I’m not bragging. The dog is scary obsessed with me.

Hailey shoves sweats and a pair of fluffy socks into my hands. “Go, get changed.”

I don’t argue despite never having worn a pair of sweats a day in my life. Even when I was doing gymnastics, I wasn’t allowed sweats. I could wear a warm-up outfit but sweats? Sweats are undignified and unladylike. Never mind I was a fourteen-year-old girl.

When I come out of the tiny restroom of our office, Hailey and Suzie are waiting on me.

“What happened?” Hailey asks while Suzie rubs her hands together in anticipation.

“Coffee,” I demand. Since we don’t have a coffee maker in the office, my demand should buy me some time.

Suzie holds out a to-go cup. “I know you like plain black coffee, but I got you a pumpkin spice latte. I figured you could use the extra sugar.”

I don’t like plain black coffee. Does anyone? Plain black coffee is bitter and boring, but it also has zero calories. Pumpkin spice latte probably has five-gazillion calories, which is five-gazillion minus twelve-hundred too many. I don’t complain, though. Since I don’t have money for fancy coffee, I’ll take whatever I can get.

“The Browns have a pool,” I start and then go on to tell them about my embarrassing day.

Hailey taps her chin. “Maybe we should tell the insurance company we came up with bupkis. Two other firms couldn’t find any evidence Mr. Brown faked his death either.”

My nose squishes of its own accord. I do not want to admit to failure. I’ve had enough of failure in my thirty-one-years of living. I clear my throat. I don’t like disagreeing with Hailey, but I need to start standing up for myself. It’s about time someone stood up for me.

“I’d like to give it one more try.”

Hailey shrugs. “It’s your choice.” She stands and returns to her office like it’s totally no big deal I contradicted her. Maybe it’s not?

Suzie claps. “If this is the result of you continuing to try, I’m all for it.” She gives me two thumbs-up.

I roll my eyes and head to my office. My office. Just thinking the words fills me with glee. I know I’m not bringing in enough business for the firm to merit my own office. Not yet, I remind myself. Because I am bound and determined to become the best darn PI You Cheat, We Eat has ever seen.