Chapter 16

Never underestimate your enemy. Lying, cheating scum that he is. ~ Phoebe’s rules for becoming a better person

Irush out of the door to the boarding house at five minutes to six. Ryker’s truck comes around the corner and he pulls to a stop in front of the building. I skip to the passenger door with a smile pasted on my face. Whoa. Skipping? I’m turning into Suzie.

But someone got her first paycheck today. Sure, I’ve been paid by Hailey before, but it’s always been cash. I never received an actual paycheck before. Imagine my disappointment when I didn’t get an actual check. No, the money is directly deposited into my account. It kind of ruins the moment.

I jump in the truck and Ryker takes off.

“Seatbelt on, babe.”

“Geez, someone’s in a hurry,” I grumble as I put on my seatbelt. “We don’t have to be the first to arrive, you know.”

Although I’m used to arriving fashionably late, I don’t think the uncles will appreciate me showing up an hour late for my own party. And there’s food. I am not going to be late for food. It’s strange how quickly food becomes an obsession when it’s a rare commodity.

“You’re going the wrong way,” I point out when Ryker takes a left on North Broadway. “The pub’s the other way.”

He doesn’t respond, but his hands tighten on the wheel until his knuckles turn white.

“What’s going on?”

He still doesn’t answer and now I’m getting worried. Should I have not invited him to the party? He could have said no instead of getting all angry.

“Why don’t you drop me here?” I say as we stop at a red light. “You obviously don’t want to go tonight. I can take the bus.”

I reach for the handle and the locks click in place. “What the hell, Ryker? What is going on with you?”

He looks my way and the anger vibrating from his face has me scooting into the corner as far away from him as possible. “Your husband wants you back.”

My heart stops as fear slams into me. “What? I’m not married.”

“You can drop the act.”

My hands start to shake as I realize he must know everything. All of my secrets. Was it all an act? The nicknames, the kiss, the date. Did it mean nothing to him?

The light switches to green and he slams his foot on the accelerator.

“I’m not going back to him. You can’t make me.”

“Babe,” he snarls, and I snap. Who does he think he is?

“Oh, shut up with your babe and sweetheart and princess. I’m a job to you, nothing more.” And man does the realization hurt. My heart burns. I reach a hand up to rub my chest.

I see the on-ramp for the interstate approach. Shit. If we get on the interstate, I’m lost. I have to get out of this truck. I slam my hands against the window and scream my head off. “Help! Help! He’s kidnapping me.”

“Babe, quiet down before I quiet you down.”

I snort. He doesn’t scare me. I’ve heard those words more times than he can imagine. “Fuck you.” I add kicking the windshield to my escape attempt. I’m sure I look like a crazy lady, but I don’t care. Hopefully, someone will see the crazy lady and call the cops.

“Someone help me!”

“I warned you,” Ryker says, and then it’s lights out.

I wake to discover myself lying in a bed with my hands bound together over my head. What the—? I pull on the cold steel of what must be handcuffs, but my hands aren’t going anywhere since the cuffs are attached to the bedpost. Great. Just great. I try to pull myself into a sitting position but groan when my head and stomach decide movement is a bad idea.

I lay back down and survey the room. There’s a bed with a scratchy bedspread, a table with two chairs, and a television mounted to the wall. Judging by the sound of cars flying by, we must be in a motel room right off of the highway.

When my stomach calms, I pull on the handcuffs again. The cuffs scrape against my wrists. Ouch.