Wally goes on high alert. “Are you in danger?”

I wave his question away. “No, I’m not in danger.” I escaped my old life. I was initially worried they’d come after me, but it’s been more than a year, and no one has come sniffing around. I’m in the clear. But I’m not waving any red capes at the bull.

I take a deep breath and dive in. “What I am is broke.”

“Kid, I’m a man and even I can tell those clothes are worth a shit ton of money.”

“Yeah, well, I took these from my old life. I’ve sold most of the clothes now.”

“You sold your clothes?”

I look up to see he’s frowning and tilting his head as he studies me.

“It’s not like I have access to any other money.” I threw away all my credit cards and bank cards before I left. I didn’t need to be a PI to know how easy electronic transfers are to follow.

To his credit, Wally doesn’t question me further. “What do you need?”

Those words are why I’m here. When he said he’d do anything I need, an idea sparked in my head. “I need two things actually, but you can’t tell anyone.”

He grunts. “Depends on the two things.”

I stand. I’m not going to tell him I need to pass a background check unless he promises to keep quiet. I don’t want or need anyone up in my business.

“Sit!” he barks, and my body follows his order before my mind realizes he spoke.

“Let’s try this again. I will keep your secrets.” I smile. “But…” Ugh. There’s always a but. “If you are in any danger, then the deal’s off.”

“I’m not in danger,” I rush to say. I’m not lying. My past life is in my past. They’re probably as happy to be rid of me as I am of them.

“Okay. What do you need?”

“Can I have a loan? I don’t have enough money to pay rent this month.”

His brow wrinkles. “Aren’t you earning money working with Hailey?”

This leads me to favor number two. “Until I’m a licensed PI, I’m working as an unpaid intern. She pays me off the books for some stuff, but …” I trail off with a shrug.

“Why aren’t you licensed? You’re a smart gal. I’m sure you can pass the test in one go.”

“I haven’t taken the exam yet. I haven’t been able to apply for my license yet.”

“Why not?”

“There’s a little problem with the federal background check.”

Wally bends forward. “Are you a felon, Phoebe?”

I shake my head. I’ve never committed a crime in my life. Buying a fake ID when you’re an adult isn’t a crime, is it? “No. But I can’t pass a background check.”

He leans back and drums his fingers against his thigh. “Does this have anything to do with Phoebe Adams only existing since last year?”

I nod. I’m such an idiot. I paid a ton of money for a new identity. I didn’t realize I needed to specifically ask for a background for my entire life. To me it was obvious. I didn’t know there was a problem until Suzie started bugging me about my missing background. The woman thinks I’m in witness protection. The woman does not pass go; she heads straight to nutsville.

“And you want me to what? Make sure you can pass a federal background check?”

I bite my lip. “Can you?” If there’s anyone who can provide me with a background, it’s Wally.

He’s quiet for a while, long enough for me to get nervous. Will he tell Hailey what I asked? Will she fire me? What am I going to do for money if I don’t have a job?