We walk into the office to find Suzie bent over laughing. “And I thought the highlight of my day was going to be Lola humping you,” she manages to say between bouts of laughter. “But then you have a man in here claiming to have sex with aliens. Awesome.”

At her name, Lola’s head pops up. Her tongue lolls out of her mouth and she stands. Oh no. I take a step back. “When is she having her little surgery?” I ask with my hands held out to hold her off. Not as if I can stop her. Lola has a mind of her own when she’s feeling horny.

“The vet said we had to wait until she’s six months old.”

“Lola is six months old.” She’s actually older.

Hailey frowns. “I feel bad for her.”

Lola wanders over to me and starts sniffing my leg. She stands up on her rear legs, but before she can commence humping my leg, Hailey grabs her collar and pulls her away. Needless to say, she’s become an ace at cockblocking Lola. Is it still cockblocking when no cocks are involved?

Oh boy, a few months of working with Hailey and Suzie and the word cock is roaming around in my head. What words will I be able to think in a year? I can’t wait to find out.