Page 6 of Gianni DeLuca

“Why didn’t you bring him to me?”

“Because you would’ve only beaten him up as a warning. We needed to send a stronger message.”

“So you call the shots now?” I asked. “The last I heard, I not you am the fucking boss.” My work ethic, proven grace under pressure, and strong family ties throughout the world assured my ascendency. I’d befriended Roberto during the war since we were both hungry and the same age. He hated Tucci’s reign of terror and thought there needed to be a change. Together we’d killed Tucci’s three sons in an ambush similar to how their father murdered mine. His fourth son surrendered his power and moved out of the city. Men left in the organization respected Roberto and me as their leaders. However, Roberto’s tendency to operate out of emotion rather than reason made me the best choice.

“And I have always respected and honored your decisions. Haven’t I stood by you and your mother all these years? Gianni, you told me to always think fast and be decisive.” He grumbled, “Nowhere in that thought is for me to stop and call you and get your fucking opinion.”

“Let me tell you one mothafucking thing so that you and I are forever clear. This is my city. You don’t have an opinion unless I give it to you. On my watch, we’ve made more money than any family in this city has ever done with less blood. I don’t want you or any of my men constantly living with the anxiety of death around the corner. I want us to make good money that we actually get to enjoy. We don’t have to rule ruthlessly to be on top. People want what we provide, and there’s more than enough supply and demand for us all to have a nice slice of pie. Violence happens when we get greedy or vengeful. Both are from passion, emotions, and not logic.”

Roberto insisted, “They encroached on our territory. Someone had to pay.”

“So, we killed a man tonight for greed.” I paused for emphasis before continuing, “Do you know if he acted alone or by the direction of the Desire?”

“Come on, Gianni. They don’t make a move like that without the top knowing.”

“Oh really? You acted alone. Once the Desire sees one of their men dead on the street, are they going to think you acted alone or by my orders? Huh? Tell me.”

Roberto grew silent.

“If there’s a death on my hands, then it fucking well better be a good reason. Yes, this man needed to be dealt with. And if he is only following orders, then whoever gave the order needs to be handled. But we only kill when absolutely necessary, not because we’re trying to make a point that could’ve been made by a meeting with whoever this Wisdom is first.”

Roberto snapped, “Talking is a waste of time with this new leader. You should’ve seen the arrogance in which that thug thought he could speak to me once he was brought in front of me. The disrespect. Like I don’t matter. Wisdom is different than Blue. Blue understood his place, and we handled everything else. Maybe Wisdom doesn’t know the DeLuca name the way he should. After tonight, he will.”

“And if he decides he wants an eye for an eye and kills one of ours?”

“We give him a war.”

My head now throbbed. I still had love for Laffy’s family, which extended to Blue and his gang. Roberto didn’t know of my affinity and understandably often seemed vexed by my willingness to strike down any other group that dared cross us. With the changing of the guard, that grace to the Desire may not be extended. “Find out who this Wisdom is and bring him to me unharmed. Then we can decide if we need another war. No more violence until after the casino opening.”

“Yeah...I’m mothafucking clear,” Roberto teased, and the growing tension between my right hand and me dissipated. “There won’t be a war. I’ll make sure of it, Gianni.”

I rubbed my temple warily. “Hope you do.”

“Have I ever let you down?” he asked before clicking off the phone.

Long after our conversation, I remained in my office, staring unseen, wondering how different my life would have been had Tucci not killed my father.

Chapter Six

“Yo, Boss, I got someinfo on that Wisdom from the Desire Crew.” Roberto stuck his curly mop of a head in my office. His unruly hair always made him seem younger, more youthful than me. And then he had this boundless energy that he could barely contain. Roberto seemed more friendly and less threatening than me. I was more serious and deadlier, making us a good duo in the organization.

I straightened my tie and rested back in my leather chair. “This better be good to drag me away from my own grand opening.”

“Wisdom is at the party.” He strutted into the room, and his lips spread into a smile.