Page 43 of Gianni DeLuca

Paris threw down her napkin and addressed me. “Are you really ready for a war? Huh? My brother will be killed. Our best chance is to let Courage lead the DeLuca organization in New Orleans? The Desire Crew can focus on their own territories, then we can be free to visit our families.”

Wisdom waved his hand dismissively. “I’m not afraid to die for Desire. Let G finish talking. I’d rather hear what he has to say.”

Paris barked, “You shut the hell up, Laffy.”

Knowing that she could possibly throw me out of our bedroom, I risked it by cutting her tirade, maintaining my calm. “Let me finish, and then you speak.”

Her hazel eyes cursed me in three different languages, but she sat back against the chair.

“Whenever Wisdom steps down, then Courage will inherit that position.” I reached across the table and gripped my son’s now-balled fist. “I know you’re disappointed in my answer, but trust me, if we do it this way, you’ll have even more experience and control than if we give in to Enzo. If we use his help to get rid of Capricio, he owns us, and he’ll collect.Wehave to take care of Capricio. Wisdom’s territory is making more money than ever, so eventually, Enzo will demand all of New Orleans whether Courage agrees. Enzo isn’t going through all of this to make less than what he knows he can get.” I continued to hold on to his hand as I looked at everyone’s stunned expression. “The only way we can stop him is for me to go to Enzo myself and apologize for not respecting him enough to honor his position in the family.”

Mamma interjected, “Enzo wants more than an apology. Obviously, money from the casino isn’t enough,”

“It’s not. So I want to propose a new plan that we clean any DeLuca money in the world that needs to be cleaned through my casino. My casino has become one of the hottest draws of the city in one of the most popular cities in the world. With the crazy revenue coming in, I can break ground on a new one in six months to launder more if we need. With the power and influence that Wisdom already has with the city, he can ensure that we stay fed and cop friendly. Courage can head up the Casino operations and make sure we continue to look legit. He’ll learn the game from all angles.” Courage’s hand finally relaxed.

Wisdom nodded his approval. “And we take out Capricio without making it look like the mafia or the Desire Crew had anything to do with it. His people will fall in line. Hell, some of them already work for me. It seems I’m a fairer boss.” He chuckled. “Even criminals wanted to be treated well.”

Mamma added with a beaming smile, “Then we can avoid a war, and everyone is happy.”

A subdued Paris sat next to me, still silent.

“What do you think, sis?” Wisdom asked.

“Oh, you want to know my opinion now?” She stood and prepared to leave and then plopped back down. “No, I want everyone to hear this. How I used to run one of the most lucrative drug businesses without ever being detected until I decided to be known. How since I relinquished power, my brother continues to dismiss any opinion about the business I offer. How my husband reassured me that my brother values my opinion and how Gianni promised me that whatever I decided about this situation would be the final decision. Yet the minute I speak, both of you shut me down.”

“Because you started with all that emotional bullshit,” Wisdom accused. “We don’t have time for all that.”

She jabbed her finger at him. “Oh, but when you’re pissed or horny, you make stupid mistakes. Men have lost kingdoms because of irrational rage or pussy, so stop acting like women are the only ones who operate with their emotions, and men never fucking do. I will never apologize for my emotions when it regards my family. Never. And both of you know that. So, you either value and respect me as your equal or don’t.” She raised one jaunty brow. “Mamma Angel, I apologize for the language.”

“You did just fine, dear,” Mamma replied quietly though her eyes glinted with humor.

Wisdom pushed back from the table. “That’syourwife. I don’t have to listen to her anymore.”

Paris replied sarcastically, “Thanks for proving my point.”

“This is the best way for all parties involved, sis.”

“My husband becoming a criminal again is the best solution? You and my son still want that life. He doesn’t. How is it best for everyone?” The room grew silent.

I entwined her hand with mine. “Paris, I’ll find my way out again. Please. It’s not fair to you or the family to continue to hide. Let’s try it my way and see what happens.”

“You told me you would defer to me if we disagreed, correct?”

Before I slowly nodded, I had to grit my teeth. She tested me in front of the very people we loved the most. White hot fury rushed through my veins that she would choose this pivotal moment to make a point. Couldn’t she see that this was the only way? Then I thought of my promise to her on our wedding day. That I would always honor her. I inhaled a calming breath before I conceded, “Your opinion does matter. You’ve been in the game like your brother and me, taking many risks. If you still feel differently from me, I’ll heed your advice. What do you think we should do?”

She tilted her head and asked her brother, “Do you respect me, Laffy?”

He folded his arms and let out a long sigh. “Yes.”

“So, you’ll take my lead on this one?”

He mumbled, but we all heard his assent.

“Okay, Ma. What’s up?” Courage leaned closer to her.

Paris slowly smiled and held her glass of wine up. “To Gianni’s plan.”

I grabbed her face and kissed her soundly, causing her wine to splash. Instead of complaining, she placed the glass down and returned my ardor. The rest of my family humorously protested with various groans of disgust.