Page 2 of Gianni DeLuca

Chapter Two

Friday night, whileI focused on my thesis at my father’s desk, I felt her presence before she spoke. My petite mother, who’d I towered over since I was eleven, suddenly loomed over me. Her mouth formed a stern, straight line, yet her eyes gleamed brightly. “Gianni, it’s time to avenge your father’s death. They only touched him because they thought they could. He wasn’t a DeLuca. But you, my son, are. And if you hurt a DeLuca, you pay.” She turned my chair and grabbed both of my shoulders firmly. “Are you hurt, son?”

I nodded.

She hit my father’s desk with her fist. “Then that rat bastard has to pay.”

“I don’t know who killed him. It all happened so fast.”

Mamma replied bitterly, “Salvador Tucci murdered my husband, your Papa.”

I gasped, and she slapped my cheek hard. She knocked my hand back down when I tried to soothe the sting.

Mamma snapped, “You can’t ever show surprise. No emotions ever. Not even anger. You will always be cool, calm no matter what. Always in control of your emotions. Do you understand me?” This time she squeezed my chin. “Your Papa was such a hot head, always blowing up over everything. He bragged about being passionate, and it was what I most loved and hated about him. And it was what killed him. Papa and I had a different plan for you which is why we chose New Orleans to live instead of New York, but now you will rule these streets as only a DeLuca can. It’s the only way you can remain safe. Tucci will come sooner or later to kill you, and I can’t let that happen.”

She stared at me long and hard. Tears ran unchecked down my cheeks as much as I tried to fight them. “You let those tears be the last. If Enzo was here right now, he would beat you mercilessly until you learned not to cry.”

“Does Enzo know what happened?” Lorenzo DeLuca, my Mamma’s cousin in Italy and only a few years older than me was ruthless and a force to be reckoned with. He would be the Don of our large family one day.

She nodded solemnly. “Enzo knows all that happens with the family here.”

“Enzo knew, and he didn’t do anything?” I yelled, awash with fresh angry tears. Although Enzo wasn’t yet the head of the DeLuca family, his influence reached worldwide.

“Shh...shh. Calm down, Gianni.” She pulled tissue off the desk and wiped my face. “His hands were tied. Salvador is the boss of the Tucci family, and your father wasn’t a made man. Enzo told me who killed him after I begged him for the truth. Your father had words with Tucci, and you never have words with Tucci. Tucci told Enzo he didn’t mean to kill Papa. They argued. He lost his temper, and that was that. But you and I know different. Your father was ambushed on the street while you and he were shopping. Not during the heat of an argument. Tucci never liked your father, hated that your father was fearless and bowed down to no man regardless of mafia ties.”

“How can we kill Tucci without Enzo’s permission?”

“I asked a favor, and Enzo granted it as long as it doesn’t get back to him. He’s always had little respect for the Salvador family and Tucci, especially after he made me a widow over nonsense and brought unnecessary attention to the family here in New Orleans.” She lifted my chin with her hand. “You have to kill him. Tucci has made many enemies, and time has passed since your father’s murder. No one will suspect a straight-A honor student and star basketball player at the most exclusive prep school in New Orleans. And who has a mother who cut ties with her family once she married a Greek. I know Tucci’s habits, his routine. The fool has gotten so arrogant he doesn’t behave smartly. Remember, Gianni, that in this world, you’re never safe. Someone you least expect will harm you when you let down your guard. You must always play it cool and let your mind guide your heart, not the other way around.”

I nodded again before asking, “What’s the favor?”

“Enzo wants you to head our family here. He is fully aware of your natural ability to lead, your intelligence, your reserve, your quiet strength. Once you get rid of Tucci, there will be chaos for control. You’re only sixteen, but with time and our family ties, his men will gravitate to you if you listen to me, capiche?“

“Yes, Mamma.” My tears had dried, and I stood taller. The pain of trauma and loss that weighted me like stones suddenly lifted. I had a new purpose, and I agreed with my mother. No one would ever suspect me, and even if they did, I would make sure that there was no evidence linking me to Tucci’s death. I would make my Mamma and Enzo proud. And I knew the person to ask. Lafayette. “Consider it handled.”

She finally smiled. “You will always be Gianni Andreas to me out of respect for your father. But to the world, you are now —”

I finished proudly, “Gianni DeLuca.”

Chapter Three

“Why haven’t you calledme? Already seeing someone else? I see how Brittany hangs out at your locker.” The pretty brown girl with hazel eyes, like mine, accused me when she opened the front door.

“I told you I don’t like her. The only girl I want is you.” I glanced behind her before I bent to kiss her lips. Her hand caressed the nape of my neck, and she opened her mouth for my tongue to deepen the kiss. I pulled back from temptation. “But we can’t happen anymore. I’m not the same boy, won’t ever be the Gianni, you know again,” I explained in a low voice, afraid that Lafayette would catch us talking at any moment.