Suddenly, I wished I was wearing long sleeves, even in the desert, in the summer. “Accidents happen,” Imumbled.

“Youaccidentallybroke into your friend’s house? You nearly required a transfusion, plus you had countless stitches.” Jackie sighed and ran a hand through her mousy brown pixie cut. “Come on. Stop lying to me and to yourself. I know we’re no Promises Scottsdale or PassagesMalibu…”

“You’re barely a Motel 6,” I grumbled. “Hell, you don’t even talk like a therapist. Are you sure you’relicensed?”

She jerked her thumb at the framed diploma on the wall behind her. “Positive.”

“I’ve heard you can get those online.” I rolled myeyes.

“If it were that easy, you’d haveone.”

“Maybe I don’t want one.” Ihuffed.

“What do you want, Mr. Morgan? So far, you seem determined to die young, lost and alone, which deeply saddens me.” Jackiesighed.

I rubbed my hands together and stared out the window. “I don’t want to be here. I know thatmuch.”

“If you mean that, then you need to change, otherwise this visit won’t be your last.” She wanted me to say something, give her a sign she’d managed to break through, offer the satisfaction of having done her jobwell.

I wasn’t in the mood. I’d been playing the game for eighty-eight days. I was done playing nicely. I was done hiding behind this façade, which she apparently saw through anyway. More than anything, I wanted my lifeback.

The office door opened enough for one of the orderlies to peek in. “Would you like me to show himin?”

I frowned. “What? We doing some joint counseling thingtoday?”

“Something like that,” she murmured. Then she glanced at the orderly. “Please show himin.”

For a moment, I sat up straighter in my chair. Could my father be here? Then the door opened wide and Harry stood there looking guilty. “Hope you’re happy. Thanks to you, I’ve lost almost three months of mylife.”

Harry’s cheeks turned red. He glanced at Jackie who nodded. Then he grumbled, “And thanks to you, I nearly lost myhouse.”

“Nearly? You’re upset with me over ‘nearly’?Please.Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.” I sank down in my seat. “Who the hell are you anyway? I want my friend back.” I glared athim.

With a shrug, Harry sat down in the chair beside mine. “I want my friend back too. At least I think I do.” He blew out a breath and stared down at the floor for a moment. “See, you’ve been manipulating me and playing on my guilt for so long, I don’t always like you,Drew.”

“Wow. That’s some bullshit. You turn me into an alcoholic and ruin my life, then you tell me you don’t like me? Why don’t you go back to L.A. then?” My heart pounded and I could feel my life crumbling aroundme.

“About that, Drew… I’m working out here. I’m building a life in Vegas.” He sighed and shook his head. “As for accepting the blame for your alcoholism, all three of us dipped into my father’s liquor cabinet that day. You’re the only one, however, who took to it like a fish to water.” He frowned and studied me amoment.

I had nothing to say because I couldn’t figure out where he was going with this. All I knew was I needed Harry. He was my DD. He was my home away from my own lonely homes. I swallowed hard and tried to imagine what my life would look likenow.

“I don’t remember the last time you were sober. I don’t remember the last time we had fun.” Harry stared at me with pleadingeyes.

“What are you talking about? We had fun every time we were together!” I slammed my hand on thedesk.

“Did we?” His brows rose and he shook his head. “I stopped having fun a long time ago. Instead, going out with you meant I couldn’t drink because I had to take care of you, and make sure you made it home safely.” Harry leaned toward me. “Getting together meant work. And I didn’t even realize how tired I was until I had a break from itall.”

“So, you’re glad I’m in here? You’re such a miserable bastard.” I glared athim.

“Maybe Iwasmiserable, but if so, it was because of you.” Harry reached inside of his pocket and pulled out an envelope. “Now, I’m happy because of me. I’d like you to be happy for me too.” He passed it to me. “Openit.”

I glanced at Jackie. She had remained shockingly silent for a change. “Am I allowed to have this?” There had been so many rules. At first, I broke a ton of them. Eventually, I settled into thegame.

“Why don’t you open it?” Jackienodded.

My eyes narrowed. “Maybe I don’t want to. Maybe I’ll wait. Maybe I’ll open it when I go home.” I reclined casually in the seat and tossed the envelope on the desk. “Great seeing you. I’ll get my own ride for a change. Thanks.” Then I lookedaway.

“Okay, well, I wasn’t going to be able to pick you up anyway. That was part of the conversation I wanted to have with you.” Harry stood and raked a hand through hishair.