“I really did fall,” Maisie said. “Daddy didn’t see it.”
“He should have listened when you said it really hurt,” Mountain replied,
Maisie reached out and held onto two of his fingers.
Mountain stood. “But I do need to apologize to him for thinking the worst.”
“Red’s stitching his head in four,” Hollywood said and clapped the man on his shoulder. “He’s not pressing charges.”
“Mountain,” Amber said jumping up and following him out into the hallway.
“I’m sorry I flew off the—”
Amber pulled him into a deep embrace. Her hands holding his head as she pushed up as high as she could on her toes. “Thank you,” she said when they broke.
“It was wrong, what if I messed up your custody case.”
“Kevin’s a moron, idiot and basically a straight up asshole at times. But he loves Maisie and Callum. But what you did, proves you love them too.”
“She’s so little,” he said.
“To you maybe.” Amber let out a light laugh. “I don’t think he’s going to have an issue with you from now on.”
“Because he’s scared?” Mountain asked.
“No,” she said placing her hand over his heart. “Because he knows you care.”
“Is it wrong I wish it was because he was scared?”
Amber burst into laughter.