Page 77 of Nightingale

Ten minutes later, the runaway bride and groom’s marriage had been annulled following the ring removal and they were allowed to go back to playing under strict rules. No playing house, no playing wedding, and the only kisses were to come from Creature.

“That was a great trick,” Mountain said.

“Agreed,” Red said. “You are ready for the clinic. Any chance you saw a house you liked?”

“Um, sorta,” she said, the nerves obvious on her face.

“Daddy,” Beno cried out as the room settled down as Baldy finally made his appearance. He’d arrived the day before and went straight to Maggie’s.

The man looked pale and was thinner than he’d been a few weeks ago. While the left side of his head had be shaved down, still sporting the remnants of road rash in the form of scabs in various stages of healing. He was upright and that alone was great sign. Using a cane the once striking man now would have scars on his cheek that may never fully heal and still the green eyes he sported were hopeful.

Each man stepped up as he held Beno in one hand and leaned on the cane with the other.

“You’re just in time,” Hack said. “Beno was trying to earn the name Lil’ Casanova.”

“Seems fitting,” Baldy’s voice was still full of gravel. “Do I want to know how he was going to earn that?”

Roadkill was standing behind Baldy as he made his way to the table and sat.

Quickly, one of the Hoez got food for both Lil’ Bit and Baldy, the walking wounded of their club.

“Uncle Pete says I can’t marry Murphy.” Beno pouted.

“He’s mean that way,” Baldy said. “But she is your cousin, that’s like a sister kinda and you wouldn’t marry your sister would you?”

“I don’t gots a sister,” Beno said holding his palms up and shrugging. “I donna know.’

“You wouldn’t, they are icky,” Callum said as Maisie had moved over to snuggle up to her mother.

“Who are you little man?” Baldy asked.

“Callum, Callum Ferguson, my mommy helped you on the road.” Callum beamed and pointed to Amber.

“So that’s the Nightingale I’ve been hearing about,” he said. “Nice to meet you while I’m conscious.”

“You too,” Nightingale replied leaning closer to Mountain.

“Why do they call you that?” Maisie asked her mother. “Nightingale.”

“Mountain started calling me that,” she explained. “I’m assuming it was because I’m a nurse.”

“There was a nurse called Florence Nightingale,” Mountain explained. “She’s one of the most famous nurses, helped out a ton of people in wartime. The way your mom flitted around at the accident she reminded me of her, helping everyone.”

“Oh,” Maisie said still focused on the battered man and his wife.

“Church in twenty,” Red said as he cleared his dishes.

Mountain’s heart raced, the last minute call to a meeting wasn’t a big one, but for the first time, he’d be in the room.

“Church?” Amber asked.

“Meeting, we call it that,” Mountain explained.

“We really should get home before the roads are too bad,” she said.

“Another reason to move here,” Mountain said. “Did you guys leave anything in my room?”

“Not that I can think of,” Amber said, then slipped her hand over his. “But how about we double check.”