Mountain bypassed the clubhouse when he got on the ranch and made his way to Red’s. The two story home further in on the property was the start of ones to come. With Cass and Lil’ Mama’s not far away, discussions had been happening about Hack and Preacher Girl wanting a home in the spring too.
Although others chose to live in town, the original and founding members all preferred to live on the compound. All but Baldy. Though at some point soon, that would be changing. In town, close to his shop in a home or out on the compound. Apartment living with a four year old was running out of room.
When he’d been a Roadkiller permanence wasn’t his goal. Goals, plans, projects weren’t really their thing. Money, from whatever means necessary and if his dumbass hadn’t stepped in when a girl was being hassled, he could have rolled right past the whole club.
They patched him in quickly, all members were because the turnover rate was high and the club wasn’t a family. The Steels were different. Taking him into the fold had shown him that. Those not making the cut and being put out too. The clubhouse rooms were supposed to be flops for long nights, but an issue with the apartments they’d started building over a year ago for patched members made them become his home. But they were more hotel room, than real home. The shared kitchen and communal space, the bar. All of it shared.
Lately, he’d been thinking about his own place. In town or out, most chose based on where they worked. When Amber got the job at the clinic, maybe he should look at a house from the club. He heard they’d been offering to rent since fall was hitting and home sales would dip. That could be a bridge if he wanted to build his own. Might as well use his trust fund for its intended purpose. His life. A lot was for sale not far from the ranch and then— Mountain shook his head from his damn thoughts of building a house for him, his Nightingale, and the kids.
Hell, right now Maisie might cut him the next time he touched her mother.
“Mountain?” Red said as he popped his head out the front door. “Are you becoming a peeper?”
“Huh?” Mountain replied as he got off his bike.
“You’ve been sitting outside my house for like five minutes blinding us at the kitchen table with your headlight.”
“Shit, sorry.” Mountain turned off his light. “Just processing.”
“Come on in, I’m sure we have enough, we just sat down to dinner,” he said.
Mountain glanced at his saddle bag then retrieved the container from Nightingale. “Actually, I brought my own, if I could heat it up I’d love to sit down and talk.”
“Microwave is open,” Red said.
Mountain followed him into the house.
Harlow was in her high chair with cut up bits of chicken on the tray. Her eyes, bright and blue lit up when she saw him enter. “Tin,” she cried holding her hands up as if he were supposed to pick her up.
“Hey princess,” he said leaning down to let her tug his beard.
“Not so rough,” Roadkill admonished.
Harlow kissed Mountain’s nose.
“Well that’s sweet.” Roadkill chuckled.
Mountain put his food in the microwave and stood by the counter.
Red had sat back down and cut into the baked chicken breast on his plate. “What’s up?”
“Remember how I told you on Tuesday, some Blood Sports were hanging by my bike when I took Nightingale—Amber on a picnic.”
“Nightingale.” Roadkill shimmied in her seat. “I like that, tell me more.”
“Nova,” Red warned with as much bite as a toothless puppy, but it was enough to have Creature sit up and let out a low growl. “You know I’m in charge here.”
Creature took a step toward Roadkill and placed her head on the woman’s lap.
“Can you pretend I’m in charge here?” Red said shaking his head at the damn dog.
“It’s okay baby,” Roadkill said giving the dog a good scratch to the top of her head, making the pit mixed mutt’s head turn a bit to the side. “Daddy’s not as romantic as mommy is. So you like her huh?” she asked Mountain.
The microwave beeped and Mountain took the out and retrieved his food. “Anyway, today I went over and we were leaving Maisie’s soccer match.”
Roadkill’s hands pressed on the seat of her chair and her eyes lit up, but this time she didn’t add the obviousooohhh… you’re in lovecomment.