Page 109 of Nightingale

“Well, I’m from a smaller town in what’s considered the Gold Coast.” Mountain rocked back on his heels. “The MC doesn’t know, or maybe Hack does because he tends to dig, I’m kinda—”

“A New England blue blood,” Linnea said. “Is this some sappy holiday movie where the girl’s about to learn she’s going to marry a man who would be a billionaire, but since he’s one of three the parents had to split the trust?”

“Linnea,” he snapped.

“What? Something tells me now she’s going to call herself your fiancé.”

“I didn’t lie,” he said holding his hands up in surrender hoping Amber wouldn’t snap.

“Were you the one who slipped hundred dollar bills into the lemonade money?”

His face warmed as he nodded.

“You know if Maisie finds out, you’re gonna have to buy her a pony,” Amber said.

“Done, but you have to tell her she can’t snuggle in bed with it.”

“Oh, that’s just mean,” Amber bemoaned.

“Maisie?” Linnea questioned.

“Her daughter and she has a little boy named Callum,” Mountain said. “I’ve been playing stepdaddy for a few months.”

“Have you now?” Linnea’s eyes widened and she let out a sigh. “So, you are staying.”


“Shame, Valter was hoping you’d found an oil field and were trying to do more than drift through life.”

“Oil? Not that I’m aware of,” Mountain said.

“Is there any chance you and your betrothed would be coming out to visit the family?”

Mountain wrapped his arm around Amber’s waist and tucked her in close to him. “How about I invite you to the wedding?”

“All of us?” Linnea questioned.

Mountain shook his head. “No.”

“Is there any chance I’m going to find out why my brothers can’t be within a thousand miles of each other?” she asked. “Because at some point, I’m getting married and I’d really like you both there.”

Mountain didn’t want to taint Valter in Linnea’s eyes. The man deserved no protection, but Linnea did.

The roar of a motorcycle saved him when a few of the men turned in the driveway from their first ride of the spring.

Linnea’s focus shifted when Ax, Half Wit and Shark parked and turned off their bikes to see what was going on.

“Look away,” Mountain warned the men as well as his sister that seemed to be drooling over the leather clad men. She was one for a good bad boy.

“That’s a lot of woman to be looking away from,” Shark said as he stroked the stubble on his chin.

“We grow ‘em tall in myfamily,” Mountain said emphasizing the wordfamilyto make the man do a double take between him and Linnea.

“Did you just make me persona non grata?” Linnea asked with a pout.

“Maybe, but then again, some of them have a death wish.”

“Linnea, why don’t you and I go into Maggie’s while we wait on our architect and you can tell me all the naughty things Mountain did as a little boy,” Amber offered.