Page 69 of Nightingale

“Well, I’m far from Grey Gardens,” she said. “As long as Kevin gets his weekends, I’ll be social.”

“Twelve years from now, when Callum is eighteen you’re free?” he questioned as his fingers brushed along her back causing her flesh to rise a bit.

“Maybe when he’s sixteen, if I get comfortable with him driving,” she said. “How long have you been looking at that property?”

“Not long after you snapped my ass with a towel.”

“Domesticity called to you then?” she mused, her fingers now running through the light dusting of hair on his chest.

“What can I say? I’d seen the sign driving by a few times, but on my way home, I stopped. Envisioned a big window with you and me playing Scrabble on the kitchen table.”

“And where were Callum and Maisie?” she questioned.

He got that. She was a package deal and if all he could see was hot sex, that wouldn’t make a family. “Tucked in bed, it was late. Well Callum was. Maisie was sitting on the window seat in her room with a book using the moonlight to read so she wasn’t caught with her lights on when we went to bed.”

“Sneaky little one,” Amber said, then became a bit solemn. “And in this two story home the four of us we’re a family?”

“Five,” he corrected.

“Five?” she questioned.

“I can’t leave my daughter.”

“You have a child?” Amber sat up, taking her heat and his weighted blanket away from him.

“Spot,” he replied.

“That cat.” Amber laughed. “Of course, I’m going to have a problem getting the kids to leave in the morning between, Spot, Creature and Bailey.”

“Well, Bailey probably went home,” he said as he reached for her hand and intertwined their fingers before knocking on the wood subfloor with the other hand. “I don’t have any kids that I know of.”

“Would you?” she asked. “Like a little bearded kid, clad in leather.”

“Might be a few years before Callum can grow one because I’m sure Maisie would shave.”

Amber shook her head then brought their joined hands between her breasts. “One of your own.”

“At some point, maybe,” he replied, a bit uneasy about the shift in the mood. It wasn’t just Amber moving away from him that was causing a chill in the room. “I want kids in my life and to be a dad, but I’m not really picky about how they make their way there. Is there something I should know?”

“Kevin and I had been trying for a third when we found a specialist that finally diagnosed Callum.”

“You’re worried about having another sick kid,” he surmised. “One that could be even worse.”

“Yes and no, recessive traits and all,” she said. “It was more—it could have been the stress, but getting pregnant wasn’t easy for me. Maisie, sure, Callum required a little help to line it all up right, but Kevin wanted a child every two years.”

“For how long?” Mountain asked.

“About a decade and when it didn’t line up perfectly, he was ready to move on.”

“Wait.” Mountain pushed up from the floor, so they were both sitting, facing each other. Even though there wasn’t much light, he could still make out her full lips and the silhouette of her body. “He left you because Callum turned three and you weren’t pregnant?”

“Among other things,” she said. “Ironically, his young and fertile playmates haven’t been willing to settle down with him, let alone become a baby factory.”

“Are you nervous you can’t have more kids?” he questioned as his hand glided along her upper arm.

“If kids are a deal breaker, then we should stop,” she said. “Because you’re talking about building a home and I can’t be with a man who is disappointed I can’t fill it the way he wants to.”

“The only thing I want you to fill, are my arms,” he said pulling her back on his lap. Bare flesh warming once contact was made as his hands explored her body. The curves soft and sensuous making him harden beneath her again. “Anything more is a bonus.”