Page 22 of Nightingale

It took a few minutes before Amber opened the front door. “Hi Mountain, right?”

“Yep, that would be me. How are you darling?” The words spilled from his lips as if he actually knew how to charm a woman.

“Exhausted, but good. Who’s this little man?” She pushed open the screen door. “And does he need a potty?”

“Mommy,” Beno called rushing past Amber into the home on a frantic search.

“Oh, that’s what he needed,” Amber said, a sparkle lighting up her eyes. “Come on in. I assume that’s Beno.”

Her light laugh warmed the center of Mountain’s chest “Yes, ma’am.” He followed her into the house. The place was nice, small, but cozy. Her living room was filled with toys for her kids. A large Barbie house sat at the edge, with a bucket of dolls next to it. While a race track was set up on the other side of the room. Lines drawn, the pure sign of sibling harmony.

Lil’ Bit was stretched out on a large recliner with Beno holding a medicine bottle to her mouth as he sat on her lap.

“And here I thought you said no pills,” Amber said.

“Doctor’s orders,” Lil’ Bit said as Beno checked her heart. “Him, I trust.”

“How are you feeling?” Mountain asked.

“Alive.” Lil Bit smiled, hugging Beno tight to her chest. “Now this Doctor Beno is the best medicine a mommy could ever get.”

“Boot and a cool scooter. You’re going to be stuck at home for a while. Can’t work in the garage like that,” Mountain teased her.

“I’ll figure it out. You can’t take my work away from me. I have several projects I’m still working on.” Lil Bit fought back.

“That’s not what you told Baldy when I took you to see him,” Amber said, with her arms crossed.

“That fool thinks he’ll do the work from Billings to keep me off my feet.”

“You can take the six weeks off the doctor ordered,” Amber chided.

“I’ll help mommy,” Beno offered and Lil’ Bit kissed his forehead.

“I can help too,” Mountain offered, he knew enough to be dangerous with a wrench when he needed to. “You know, hold the light for Beno.”

“Would you like anything to drink?” Amber offered Mountain.

“No thank you.” He took a seat on the couch, the piece of furniture shrunk with his big body and he heard the poor thing cry out a bit in pain from his weight. “I’d like to thank you for all your help Amber. Maybe I could take you out to dinner or something.” Sure, she’d been in the area and could help with Lil’ Bit, but if he wanted to see this woman another time, he’d have to create a situation. He still didn’t know if she had someone, a boyfriend maybe, the kid exchange said she at least had an ex-husband. Doing his best to not be too obvious, he glanced at her left hand and didn’t see a ring.

“That would be nice. Anytime, I would love to go out for dinner.” She smiled and her face softened.

He instantly felt the connection clear to his cock. His jeans tightened slightly and he had to maneuver his body slightly, so no one would be aware of his bod straining the denim.

“I shouldn’t really say anytime,” Amber added after a thump came from upstairs. “Mom schedule being what it is, but if there’s an opening I’d love to have you fill—fit you— you know what—” Amber pointed at him with both index fingers.

He thought her stammering was adorable. “I’ll give you a call and we can set up a date. Lil’ Bit, are you ready to get home?” Mountain stood, extending his hands to help Lil’ Bit out of chair with Beno’s hands on her hips and Amber angling the knee cart for a quick transition.

“Can I ride on it too, Mommy?” Beno asked.

“It’s a one seater, so you’ll have to wait until Mommy’s sitting on her butt and you have to stay close in case I need it,” she said. “It will be nice to be able to rest in my own bed.”

“Yeah, about that,” Mountain said wishing he didn’t have to be the one breaking the news to the stubborn woman as he rubbed his beard.

“Nana Mags set up a tent at her house,” Beno said dancing around with the end of the stethoscope in his hand.

Lil’ Bit’s eyes narrowed at Mountain.

“I’m assuming he’ll be in the tent and you’ll be in the spare room.” Mountain held his hands up in surrender.