Page 106 of Nightingale

“The only people in the world more important to me than the Steels…live in Berrington,” he said cradling her face in his hands. “I should have thought about what would happen if you lost me, not about the Ol’ Ladies losing their men.”

Amber’s heart thudded in her ears as she nuzzled into the rough palm of his hand.

“When I watched you leave the clinic and it tore me up inside. I hadn’t told you I loved you,” he said. “Of all the things running through my mind in that moment all I wanted to do was run after you and let you know how important you were to me.”

Her breath caught in her chest. “Love?” she questioned.

As he leaned down, the rough man with buttery soft lips embraced her as she clung to his hips. “I love you Amber, ask Red they had to sedate me to keep me from running after you,” he said. “If I promise never to do anything like that again, would you give me another chance?”

“The thing is Mountain, I couldn’t ask you to do that, just like you would never ask me to put my children second. It’s who you are, a protector of those you love and if I want to be with you, I have to accept that bad may happen, but so will good.”

“Nightingale, I promise you so much good,” he said and the words weren’t false promises made to illicit her response. They were real and true.

“I can’t have men approaching me and my kids.”

“I’m pretty sure the Blood Sports have learned their lesson,” Mountain said. “Our officers sat down and laid out quite a few rules to them after I was shot.”

“You need to tell me when you’re doing things,” she said.

“Done,” he said. “Anything else? This is the time baby, you say it you get it.”

She narrowed her eyes at him. “I get what I want, when I want and I don’t need know I want it right now.”

“That’s fair.” He leaned down and kissed her forehead.

“What about you?” she asked. “I’ve been a bit immature, not even answering your calls.”

“I’m simple. I want you and your kids. I want to build a house and have you three move in with me. We can rent this house until ours is finished.” Mountain kept an arm around her as they walked through the house. “I bet we could live here and fix it up over the winter rent free and in the spring, start on a house of our own.”

“Ours?” she questioned as the reality of what he was proposing showed a permanence that could lead to a life. A forever. A future with a man willing to fulfill all her desires. A man who loved her.

“Any home I built wouldn’t be complete without you, Maisie and Callum,” he said.

Amber smiled, stroked his beard, and kissed him. “You’re only missing one thing.”

“What’s that?” he questioned.
