“Yes, home with us where you belong,” Xander says as he traces his fingers along the edges of my panties before slipping them inside, sliding along my slick pussy. I’m wet, and he smiles, a victorious glint in his eyes.
Garrett brings his head up from lavishing my exposed breast. “We have a lot to figure out, Car. Relationships like ours aren’t common, and most people won’t understand, but the simple fact is you belong with us, and we want you there when we wake up in the morning and when we go to bed at night—”
“And every minute in between,” Darian finishes up his thought before claiming my lips.
I moan into Darian’s mouth as I ride Xander’s hand, a sharp stab of pleasurable pain hitting where Garrett clamps down onto my nipple with his teeth, and sigh inwardly as my fantasy becomes my reality.
A home and a family.
An unconventional family, but stronger than one I’ve ever known.
And it’s mine.
Darian / Carlisle
We walk into Club Sin with a reservation for Room Seventeen.
In the six months we’ve been together, living happily as a family, we’ve been here two times, teasing and testing Carlisle’s boundaries with every visit. Of course, we play at home as well, but there’s something about this room—call it nostalgia—this seems to take her one step further than she allows herself to go at home.
I walk up to the hostess and give her my card. She smiles and hands me a room key. “If you’re not in a hurry, they’re about to start a scene you might find interesting.”
I glance over my shoulder at Xander, who is holding Carlisle’s hand. Garrett’s on the other side, holding her other hand. She’s buttoned up tight in a black trench coat, her rich chocolate waves pulled up in a demure chignon, and a new version of the emerald green and black mask partially disguises her face. That’s one of my rules—one of our rules, actually. While we’re here, she only takes the mask off in the room. She seems to be fine with this rule in every way. I think it provides her a layer of mental protection and allows her to enjoy herself more fully.
Smiling at Carlisle, I ask, “Do you want to watch a show before we retire to our room?”
She presses her lips together and nods. Watching others gets her especially hot—needy and desperate for us—so I know Garrett and Xander are good with it, too.
We walk through the heavy curtains and survey the room. I see a table in one of the corner booths, and tilt my head towards it. Xander nods and we walk forward, passing tables without a second glance until a voice calls out from the darkness.
“Holy shit—Sergeant Blackbourne.”
I freeze and turn towards the table, shocked to see one of the guys from our old unit standing up. “Stiles?”
Shaking hands with our old lieutenant, my gaze quickly passes over two other guys from our unit and a cute little blonde nestled between them. I glance over my shoulder as Xander walks up, my eyebrows raised.
“What the hell are you doing in New York?” Xander says, not holding back his suspicion or surprise in the slightest.
I watch as Stiles’ eyes also travel over my party, a sly grin sliding onto a face. “Xander,” he nods, “G.”
His gaze lands on Carlisle and his smile grows wider. Any other guy, any other situation, and I would not like the look on his face, but considering we’re sitting in the same sex club with two buddies and a cute little thing they’re hovering over, I suppose I’ll let it slide.
Stiles tilts his head toward his partners. “You remember Bastion and Romeo?”
“Damn Sarge. It’s been what, ten years?” Bastion stands up and shakes my hand while Romeo slides out of the booth, guiding his female companion out behind him.
“More like eight.” Garrett smiles and exchanges handshakes, everyone sizing each other up, but not in a territorial pissing sort of way. This is with fresh eyes, as if we are really seeing each other for the first time. If I think back, these three were just as close as Xander, Garrett, and I, but I never thought they might share the same needs and desires as me and my partners.
Romeo slides his hand onto his female partner’s back and guides her forward. “This is Evelyn. Evelyn, we worked with Darian, Xander, and Garrett back in our military days.”
She smiles shyly, her eyes quickly glancing over at us but locking onto Carlisle. “Hi,” she says to no one and everyone at the same time. “I really like your mask.”
Carlisle touches her face and smiles. “Thanks. I like your outfit.”
Evelyn is barely wearing much of anything, but her outfit is par for the course here at Club Sin. I suppose Stiles, Bastion, and Romeo are cool with the masses feasting on their woman’s flesh. That would never fly with Carlisle—I know I couldn’t stand it—but to each his own.
Evelyn blushes and dips her head. “Yeah, Bastion and Romeo dressed me tonight.”