Page 4 of Dating the Boss

Our business strategy to revamp Manning Industries is attacking manufacturing two-fold; one through reestablishing relationships with assembly lines by providing them mass production of parts, and two through specialized manufacturing for small to medium-sized businesses. Our new, soon-to-be launched app will bring big business manufacturing to basement entrepreneurs.

“Back to the fundraiser. It’s on Valentine’s Day at the Overlook Hotel,” Camden says with a face full of sushi.

“I’m definitely not taking one of these women out on Valentine’s Day.” I shake my head. “Talk about setting the wrong idea in motion.”

He shrugs. “Okay, so you and I will go.”

“Maybe Brooklyn wants to go.” I say under my breath, my eyes on my food. It doesn’t matter though; I can see the smirk on my brother’s face.


“And maybe Margot’s available, too.” I know my brother had a short and fleeting tryst with Miss Talbot. I’ve also noted how he looks at her when she’s not paying attention. It’s pretty much the same way she looks at him, but every time I’ve asked about her, he shuts down, unwilling to spill the details.

“I’m sure she’s busy.” He huffs, shoving another piece into his mouth.

* * *

After a near flawless presentation by the marketing team, into which I know Brooklyn provided heavy input, I return to my office to finalize my notice to the board on our rollout plan. One thing I picked up from my grandfather that I still do today—I always print a physical copy of my correspondence to our board and major stakeholders. There’s just something about a physical print copy that brings out the errors somehow hidden by computer screens.

I walk into the empty outer office. The smell of Brooklyn’s perfume lingering in the air causes my body to harden with thoughts of what I want to do to her. Her resume is impressive, but the woman herself is stellar. Her brain, her body, her no-nonsense attitude—I love everything about her. She’s the best assistant I’ve ever had, which means dating is off the table. I can’t risk losing her should things between us not go well, or go really well, either way.

Besides, Camden has had me acting as the company poster boy. If I were Brooklyn, I’d be disgusted with me, too. She occasionally makes snarky comments about my dating life, so I know she thinks my personal life is a piece of shit, even if she likes me as a boss. I’ve insisted she come to most of the events as part of my staff for two reasons. One, I need her to have firsthand knowledge of the business relationships I’m fostering at these parties, and two, I’m hoping she sees the lack of chemistry between me and the date of the month—as Camden calls them.

I pull the papers off the printer, the top two pages making my gut twist into knots.

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Ms. Brooklyn Pierce -

Welcome to MatchMakers special Valentine’s Day Speed Dating event.

Congratulations on choosing love over another Valentine’s Day eating pizza on your couch while watching action and horror movies. You deserve a storybook romance, and let’s face it, you’re not going to find it online via a dreaded dating app. There is something to be said about meeting face-to-face in a safe and friendly environment with like-minded individuals.

We at MatchMakers have developed a casual and comfortable atmosphere without the corny, over-the-top gimmicks found at other dating events. Gone are the name tags, whistles, and party trimmings. Instead, you are attending an event equipped with vetted and like-minded singles who want exactly what you want—happily ever after.

Doors open with happy hour, giving individuals an opportunity to mingle prior to the speed dating event. Personable hosts will assist you from the moment you walk in the door, initiating group conversations whenever possible and assisting you with your Dating Scorecard.

Ladies will be assigned a table for the duration of the event. Gentlemen will move from one table to another, in sequence, every five minutes, with one minute in between to fill out your scorecard. We will have a thirty-minute break on the hour, allowing attendees an opportunity to grab a drink and mingle before we start again for Round 2.

Simply jot down your potential date on your scorecard and turn it in at the end of the event. For those who match, Matchmakers will notify you via email within 24 hours.

Overlook Hotel Bar

February 14th

4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

4 p.m. - Doors open, Happy Hour

5 p.m. - Speed Dating Event - Round 1

6 p.m. - 30-minute break

6:30 p.m. - Speed Dating Event - Round 2

7:30 p.m. - Evening wrap-up / Social time

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