Page 85 of The New House

‘Mrs Downton, I don’t want to have to escalate this further. I’m sure neither of us wants the police involved, do we?’

‘Don’t worry, I’m happy to leave,’ I say. ‘I just want to be absolutely sure first that Stacey did get my message.’

The security guard glances at the receptionist, who nods. ‘Yes,’ the girl says. ‘Ms Porter knows you’re here. Her assistant personally passed the message on to her when she came off air.’

‘And Ms Porter herself asked you to tell me to leave?’

The receptionist looks uncomfortable. ‘Yes.’

‘And told you to call the police if I didn’t?’


I smile. ‘Thank you so much for your help,’ I say. ‘Please tell Stacey I understand perfectly.’

part three


harper gets to go home!

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Hi there, Kyper peeps! Today’s an awesome day, because I finally get to go home! Well, not exactlyhomehome, because we’re still stuck in our little rental flat which is a bit of a nightmare, to be honest, but you know what I mean. I’ve missed my boys and Kyle so,somuch while I’ve been in hospital, but you guys have kept me going and I’m just so grateful for all your lovely prayers and messages. I don’t know what I’d do without my Kyper Nation!

Anyway, I just hope things get sorted out soon, because it’s really stressful not having our own place. I’ll be honest, it’s been tough on the boys having to share a room, and the flat’s so small, like, you couldn’t even swing amouse. And there’s this church next door, like right by the community centre, you know, opposite that Greek restaurant, Zorba’s, and the bloodybells—

Oops, sorry, I keep forgetting. The police say I’m not supposed to tell you personal details but I know I can trust my Kyper Nation!

The thing is, they think maybe our Pledge campaign is the reason I ended up in hospital. Like, maybe Felix Porter was trying to shut me up, but that can’t be right because I saw who was in the car that hit me and it wasn’thim.

Isn’t it weird how no one’s seen him? I mean, it’s been more than three weeks now, and I know you guys have been out there looking! Apparently the police think something might havehappenedto him. Like, they foundbloodat his house. It’s kind of creepy, right? Mind you, wasn’t there some guy who faked his own death a few years ago so he could claim the life insurance? He pretended he had an accident in his canoe or kayak or whatever, it was just found floating empty, and then he sneaked back home and lived in his wife’s attic. Like foryears. Everyone thought he was dead, even his own sons. Except his wife, of course.Shewas in on it from the beginning.

They bought a second home in Peru or Panama or somewhere, and then they went on holiday when he was supposed to be dead and someone put a photo of them on Facebook and that’s how they got caught.

All I’m saying is, you never know. I mean, first Felix steals all that money and then he justvanishes? There’s got to be more to it.

That’sall I’m saying!

chapter 50


‘You’re a good person,’ Tom says, as we climb into bed.

‘I think we both know that’s not true,’ I say. I flip back my side of the duvet and slide between the crisp sheets, newly laundered this morning. ‘What else was I supposed to do?’ I add crossly. ‘If someoneistrying to kill Harper, the stupid girl was practically inviting them to have another go. She more or less told two million people where she lives. If I’d let her go home with Kyle, she’d have ended up back in my hospital, only this time in the morgue.’

Tom shifts the pillows behind him. ‘D’you really think the Porters had anything to do with Harper’s accident?’

‘I’m not sureanyone had anything to do with Harper’s accident.’

‘You don’t think the crash was deliberate?’

‘I’m keeping an open mind,’ I say.

‘Harper seems pretty sure. She said in her vlog the police thought it was—’

‘She made that up, Tom. She makes a lot of things up. The police aren’t investigating the crash as anything other than an accident. Trust me,’ I add sourly, ‘they’re far more interested in what’s happened to Felix Porter.’