Page 59 of The New House

‘You’ve really drunk the Kool-Aid, haven’t you?’

‘What’s that supposed to mean?’

‘It’s not me you need to talk to,’ Felix says. ‘I told your husband:Stacey’sthe one who pulled out of this deal.’

‘Really,’ I say flatly. ‘So you were lying when you said it wasyouwho didn’t want to sell? Or are you lying to me now?’

‘I don’t expect you to believe me.’

‘You’re right about that.’

‘She’ll never sell this house,’ he says. ‘You think it’s the first time this has happened? She never had any intention of following through. She’sfuckingwith you.’

‘Did she give herself the black eye, too?’

He has the grace to look away.

‘You’re nothing but a coward and a bully,’ I say coldly. ‘Men like you—’

‘You know nothing about me,’ Felix snaps. ‘And you know nothing about our marriage.’

‘I know it’s sick and twisted as fuck,’ I retort.

He closes the space between us, gettingright up in my face. I can feel the rage radiating from him, its heat matched only by my own. ‘I think you should leave now,’ he says dangerously.

I push myself off the stool. ‘You don’t scare me, Felix.’

‘I’m not the one you need to be scaredof.’

‘Let her go. Sell me the house. Take the money and get on with your—’

He seizes my shoulders, taking me by surprise, and I have a sudden, dizzying flashback to the last time a man laid his hands on me.

His arm around my neck, crushing my windpipe. His knee in my back, ready to snap my spine. His breath hot against the back of my neck.

‘I’ve tried to help you,’ Felix says. ‘Don’t you get it? This has nothing to do with the house.You’rewhat she wants—’

I wrench myself free, my heart pounding. Felix’s face blurs with that of my father and I’m suddenly sixteen again and fighting for my life.

I can’t breathe.

Behind Felix, a row of Japanese steel knives glint on the magnetic bar above the stove.

I can’t breathe.

I tell myself I didn’t come here intending to hurt anyone.

My dark angel knows the truth.

part two

SETtalks | psychologies series


Inside the mind of a psychopath |Original Air Date 9 July

The transcript below has been lightly edited for length and clarity.