Page 51 of The New House

I don’t know what happened. I didn’t see anything.

If I didn’t know better, I’d almost believe him.

My son smiles at me over his shoulder. ‘What d’you think?’ he asks, holding up his drawing.

‘It’s very good,’ I say, truthfully.

‘I think I’ll colour it in and give it to Archie,’ he says, turning back to his picture. ‘To cheer him up after his accident.’

It’s as if he had nothing to do with what happened yesterday. It’s a miracle Archie didn’t drown: our second miracle in a month. Peter only has to be lucky once – we have to be lucky always.

My phone vibrates in my pocket. Meddie is over at a friend’s house today, but I still keep my eye on my son as I slide the patio doors open and go outside to take the call, just in case he takes it into his head to microwave the cat.

Dear God, is it always going to be like this?

‘Have you heard from Stacey?’ Harper asks. ‘How’s Archie doing?’

‘They kept him in overnight, just to be on the safe side, but he’s going to be fine,’ I say. ‘They’ll discharge him later this morning, after rounds.’

‘Oh, thank God.’

‘Thanks toyou,’ I say.

‘Tyler had terrible nightmares last night. He woke me up at three in the morning screaming because he thought he was drowning.’

‘Well, they’ve had a shock,’ I say, switching my phone to the other ear. ‘It’s to be expected. The whole thing must have been terrifying for them.’

‘He said Peter was holding his head underwater. He was trying todrownhim.’

Is it my imagination, or is there a subtle edge to her voice?

‘I don’t suppose any of us slept well,’ I say evenly.

‘I spoke to Ty and Lucas again this morning,’ she adds. ‘About whatreallyhappened to Archie yesterday.’

This time there’s nothing subtle about it.

‘I don’t think anyone realised Archie was so nervous in the water,’ I say. ‘The other three can all swim like seals. I’d have kept a closer eye if I’d—’

‘The boys both said Peter pulled Archie under,’ Harper interrupts. ‘They say he did iton purpose.’

A beat passes.

‘They didn’t say that yesterday,’ I say.

‘Because they were too scared to say anything with Peter standing there!’

‘I think they’re letting their imaginations run away with them,’ I say firmly. ‘The boys were all horsing around. Archie probably got caught up in the excitement and ended up out of his depth. Like I said, no one realised he couldn’t swim very well. Peter might have ducked him a few times, but he’d never hurt him on purpose.’

‘Like he didn’t hurt his sister, you mean?’

I didn’t know Tom had discussed that with her.

‘Your husband told me yesterday when I called to see how Peter was coping,’ she says, as if reading my mind. ‘I’d never have let my boys within three feet of your son if I’d known what he was like.’

‘Harper, I don’t know what you’re trying to imply—’

‘Have you spoken to Felix yet?’