Chapter Seventeen

After spending thenight with Miranda, they were caught in the whirlwind of spring training. They attended the pre-season game, met the players again, and reiterated Miranda’s position about the players and type of play she was expecting. Then they headed for the airport, barely making their flight, exhausted. When they landed, they shared a car to the stadium then parted awkwardly, as if a return to Savannah meant a return to real life. As if Florida was a vacation and their romance stayed there.

It pissed Lucas off, but they had only a week to Opening Day and Miranda was busy working with her staff, lining up the Opening Day ceremonies, and working out details from their trip. But it wasn’t that he didn’t think of her or speak with her. She starred in some serious X-rated fantasies of his and any thought that he had gotten her out of his system was definitely proven false. They had even met with other leaders, but somehow they were never alone.

Lucas arrived at the stadium early that morning. Opening Day was a day game, a rare Tuesday event, and most of the staff was coming in extra early to ensure everything went smoothly. Despite this, the floor where the executives sat was dark and quiet when Lucas got off the elevator. He walked down the hall and detoured to Miranda’s office and, as he expected, she was already in, reviewing the schedule and other reports.

He knocked on her open door and lifted a cup of tea. She smiled and gestured him in.

“I didn’t expect to see you so early. Thanks for the tea.”

“It’s chai. Thought you could use the caffeine.”

She took an appreciative sip and sighed. “That’s good. Thanks.”

He sat in the chair and crossed one leg over the other. “I think we’re ready. The team ended spring training on a nice little winning streak.”

She snorted. “Second string players. The test will be today. We’re playing New York. They’re not a fan of the small ball game. On paper, they have the better pitchers and hitters, but if our plan works, we should be able to at least make it a game and not a blowout.”

“At least the coaches are on board now.”

She shrugged. “Sort of.” She eyed him over the cup of tea. “Is that what you came in early to do? Talk about the team and our chances this year? As if we haven’t discussed that to death already.”

He grimaced. “I guess we need to talk about spring training, that night.”

“Do we?” She asked thoughtfully and leaned back in her chair to study him. “I mean, we’re both consenting adults. It’s not like we expect anything from each other, right? It was fun, a nice night, and now it’s over. Unless you don’t want it to be over?”

Her voice was neutral, not giving anything away. She had learned much about negotiation and was turning the tables on him, cool, calm, collected, while he wanted to kiss her, repeat that night over and over until he’d had his fill. It pissed him off to be dismissed so casually. And the thought bothered him even more than her being so nonchalant about them.

He narrowed his gaze, but chose a different tack. “Is your father coming today?”

“He just had a major heart attack and bypass surgery.” She grinned. “Okay, he tried to come, but his doctor and my mom refused.”

“And that’ll stop him?”

“Not exactly. I think my mom is crushing a valium or three in his morning coffee to knock him out. She’s turning out to be quite the drill sergeant and a bit devious, too. She always drove me hard in pageants, but somehow she’s even more terrifying right now. I visit every couple of days but she’s militant about limiting the baseball talk.”

“A typical Southern belle. Voice like an angel, steel rod for a spine. Sounds a lot like my mom.”

“I don’t think I ever thanked you for that dinner. It was a lovely night.”

And just like that, he was back to an aroused state. Remembering her clenching around him, her hands running over him, her nails digging into his back. He shifted in his chair, moving the coffee cup to hide his bulge.

“She did all the work. She said you sent a note and flowers. That was kind. Mom loves flowers, especially white roses.”

“Well, if that’s all?” She leaned forward and began leafing through papers.

“Not exactly.” He stood and rested his coffee cup on the desk.

He stalked around the desk while she studied him, wide-eyed and a bit uncertain. He turned her chair to face him, leaning over and caging her neatly between his hands that grasped the arms of the office chair. He slid one hand up to the nape of her neck, drawing her. He claimed her lips, swallowing her token protest under the onslaught of his kiss. His tongue mimicked their one night, thrusting deeply, seducing her, demanding her capitulation. Her mouth tasted of sweet Indian spices and honey from her tea, with hints of mint, and something else uniquely Miranda.

He was drunk on her, oblivious to their surroundings, as she met him with a passion that took his breath away. Finally, a noise in the outer hallway tugged at his consciousness, reminding him her door was open and anyone could see them. He pulled away, satisfied to see the dazed look on her face. He pressed one last hard kiss on her lips then straightened.

“You may think it was a one-night thing but it’s not over, Miranda. We will be together again. Soon.”

He grabbed his coffee cup on his way out, greeting Cole with a slap on the shoulder.

He loved Opening Day.