
Miranda’s face burnedas Lucas sauntered out the door, reminders of their kiss and more lingering long after he had left. As if she could have forgotten that night. She should have known once wouldn’t have been enough to quell her attraction to him. He had featured in many of her dreams since their time together, causing as many sleepless nights as her father’s illness.

What she missed more than the sex was the talks they had shared, the conversations about the team and other more personal topics. She had been avoiding being alone with him, wanting him and not just in bed. She loved talking with him. He treated her like an intelligent person, not arm candy as so many other men had. Most of her dates in the past had assumed she was working for her father as a form of nepotism and never really looked beneath the surface. Maybe it was her beauty queen background. Lord knew several men had openly been surprised that she had her MBA.

Lucas talked to her, listened to her, considered her point of view. He also provided solid advice and never tried to undermine her, at least not publicly. For that alone, she missed having time with him. But there also this underlying sexual tension they had given into once and it was fantastic but she was terrified to go for it again. Definitely her father would disapprove and dating in the workplace always had such bad connotations, especially for women. She needed her leadership team’s respect and she was afraid to lose it over some hot sex.

Only, it didn’t feel like hot sex but something that could be more. And maybe that scared her the most.

Lucas wasn’t stupid. He knew what she was doing, judging by the small smirk he often had when he walked into her office. He played along, but the day of reckoning was coming. Opening Day was going to be more than just the start of their little experiment.

Cole stood in the doorway, a bemused look on his face. “Miranda?”

“Hi, Cole. Sorry, just woolgathering. Are we ready for today?”

Cole came in and began reviewing the schedule of events for the day. Part of her mind listened, but the other part wondered how to bridge the gap between her and Lucas, a gap she had created.


Lucas paced theowner’s box, impatiently waiting for the start of the game. Miranda was down in the tunnels, getting ready for the Opening Day ceremonies. Lucas decided to remain out of the way, upstairs, to let her work. Cole poked his head in the box, made a noise of frustration, then started to leave.

“Cole, who are you looking for?”

He reluctantly turned back. “Our mascot never showed up. I was hoping someone was here who could fill in. Maybe Mr. Leavitt or one of the other department heads. Leavitt is tall enough for the costume. Not many men are. Miranda doesn’t know yet. I was trying to avoid telling her.”

Shit. The mascot wasn’t critical to the game, but the kids loved the knight on the horse, and of course, who was part of the opening ceremonies but the youth group the team sponsored. Those kids were probably looking forward to pictures with the mascot.

“Haven’t seen him.”

A speculative look entered the other man’s eyes. “You’re what, six-two, six-three?”

“Yeah, about that,” Lucas said, suspicion growing.

“You’re perfect then. Come on.” Hammonds gestured to the hallway.

“Absolutely not. I’m only here to consult and advise, not wear a fucking costume. There has to be someone else here who can wear it. Even you.” Lucas crossed his arms and planted his feet.

Cole growled. “I don’t have time for your shit, Wainright. I have to get on the field. No time to find anyone else. Can’t you fucking do something without an argument, just once? We’ve done everything you’ve asked, changed everything for you. You owe us.”

“Bullshit. You made those changes to save your team.”

“And now Miranda needs you. Are you going to man up or wimp out, staying up here, safe and away from everyone?”

Cole stormed out of the box. Damn it. Opening Day was important and Miranda needed him. He flung open the door. When it banged against the wall from the force of his throw, he saw Hammonds leaning against the wall, waiting.

“She can never know this, Hammonds.” Lucas waggled a finger at the other man.

“I don’t give a shit what you tell her. Come on, I don’t have all day.”

Lucas heaved a sigh. Somehow he was being dragged kicking and screaming into this team. So much for his objective distance.