Chapter Sixteen

Lucas drove theeconomy car like it was on the racetrack in Daytona, weaving among the college kids and other people on the road, but Miranda wasn’t complaining. She prayed for him to go faster so she wouldn’t lose her nerve, and he wouldn’t change his mind. She had no illusions about this night or them. Maybe it was one night, or more, but it couldn’t be anything other than scratching an itch, satisfying an urge to see how it would be between them. Somehow she knew it’d be explosive.

She reached across the console between the front seats, not a big distance in this tiny car, and ran her fingers up Lucas’s leg, a light feathery touch designed to drive him mad. She brushed her hand over the straining fabric and his erection twitched. Before she could cup it, he grabbed her hand and put it back in her own lap, holding it firmly there.

“Be careful, darling, or this night will be over before it gets started.”

“Only one time? Well, damn, if that’s all you can muster…”

“Miranda, I’m warning you.” He growled the words out as he ran a yellow light, that was honestly more red than yellow.

His words and tone sent a shiver up her spine. She wiggled her fingers under his hand, but he only gripped it tighter.

They got to the hotel and he struggled out of the car in record time, heading around to help her out. “Thank God we checked in earlier.” He took her hand and dragged her towards the entrance. “My room’s closer.”

“Eager much?” She laughed, but she kept pace with him, just as impatient as he was.

They took the stairs, not willing to wait for the elevator with the family of five and the squalling baby, a real mood killer for them. He shoved the key into the door and it turned red, then green. He opened the door and stopped, his hand on the frame, blocking her entrance to the room.

“Miranda, it’s okay if you change your mind. No hard feelings.”

She grabbed his shirt and pulled him down for a kiss.

Then she ducked under his arms and into the room. “You having second thoughts, Lucas?”

“Hell, no. Just trying to be a gentleman like my momma taught me.”

“Forget all about that and get in here.” She stretched out on the king-sized bed, propped up on one elbow.

He closed the door and tossed the key on the television stand. He stalked her, coming closer, with a heat burning in his eyes. He unbuttoned his shirt and gestured to her.


She arched a brow at his tone but slowly slipped one button out of the loop, then the next, teasing him with casual glimpses of her skin. He tossed his shirt over the chair and pulled the desk chair close with a yank of his foot. He sat on it, one foot propped on the other knee and folded his arms across his chest.

“I can wait all night.”

“Really?” She looked pointedly at his bulge, then licked her lips, desperately needing the moisture for her suddenly dry mouth.

She tossed her shirt on the same easy chair he had used, then reached back to unclasp her bra.

“Stop,” he muttered thickly, obviously striving for control.

Power surged through her, power over this sexy man. She quickly shrugged out of the rest of her clothes, leaving her panties on, then leaned back on her elbows, sending Lucas a come-hither look.

“Any time, lover boy.”

He growled and crawled onto the bed, careful not to crush her. He braced himself on his elbows and leaned down to capture her mouth with his, a demanding taking that she met with her own tongue, entwining with his, teasing, taunting. He lowered himself over her, her legs spreading to let him settle flush against her core, his hardness prodding her. She moaned and wrapped one of her legs around his, pulling him closer. Either it had been too long or he just felt so good. She arched her back and the light sprinkling of chest hair rubbed against her swollen and sensitive nipples, making her gasp, and shift for more of the sensation. She ran her hands around his torso to trace the muscles on his back, using her nails just enough to tease.

He trailed kisses down her neck, stopping to lick the spot where her pulse beat wildly just under the skin. He sucked lightly, enough for a mark tomorrow. Her nerves were alive with a fire coursing along her skin, and her legs shifted restlessly trying to get him closer to where she was swollen and wet with need. He lightly skimmed her breasts with his fingers, avoiding the sensitive nipple area, circling. She tried to turn into his hand but he only chuckled and pinned her in place gently.

Finally, his lips closed around one nipple and lightly tongued the sensitive nub. Her back bowed and she gasped. His other hand tormented the other taut peak, tugging then twisting until she was whimpering, begging for relief. He switched, nipping the other peak, the sucking it deep, while stroking and flicking the other hard point. By that point, she was writhing on the bed, never having felt this out of her mind just from her breasts being toyed with. She pushed on his shoulders, willing him to move lower but he seemed content right where he was, growling a warning at her.

She ran her fingernails down then up his sides, not deep enough to draw blood but enough to make her point. She traced the chiseled muscles along his back, then sank the nails in when he sucked her deeply. He chuckled at her response against the smooth skin.

“Damn you. Finish this.” She gasped, nudging her lower body into his hardness, drawing in a deep breath when it grazed her clit through her panties.

“I could spend all night right here,” he murmured against her skin, accompanied by a tiny nip.